Private Number Plate J77 Apd

Discussion in 'Non bike stuff for sale' started by Roadtrip, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. As I would have been eight at the time, no wonder he shits himself when there’s a knock at the door! #youaswell?
  2. About 10 years ago I bought a CX500 that a workmate told me had been his dad's. He wanted it gone from the garden shed and for £250 I took it away. Shortly after I decided I didn't want it as I had too many other bikes that I did want. The registration number was OLG 430V, so I placed an ad asking 'Is Olga 30?' and sold the plate for £850, then the bike with a new reg for £250. So if you were to advertise the plate, perhaps you could do similar - 'Is APD 77?' Or 'Is APD full of JiZZ?? Either should work
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  3. I got lucky with my Monster, the govt issued plate was B1RGA.
    Kinda fitting with a touch of lame.
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  4. A12CD38E-1659-4ECA-B079-4A1E93B82300.jpeg I have this on retention. Will sell soon
  5. D1 JKC
    That will get taken off you if spaced like that :thinkingface: and if not it doesn’t read anything. Someone with JKC initials is your best bet I think... with a wife called Di
  6. 16 years and never a problem, the speed cameras come straight to my door
  7. The coppers pulled me for illegal spacing (nothing like the one above which uses illegal spacing as well as a black screw to mislead) and I was given a "producer" to show I had put the plate back to standard from an MOT station.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Nice little earner for somebody:upyeah:please send finders fee;)
  9. I'm watching :eyes: but if you are going to buy an 888 in the future you should jump on it :thinkingface:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Nope the 888 i'm getting (some day)will have a very nice plate on already.......and then i woke up with my head in the cornflakes;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Crunchy Nut? :thinkingface:
  12. Pervert;)
  13. Has to be Crunchy Nut, others are available but they is all shit :poop:
  14. rather than the video

    Buy your Personalised Registration
    HH55 AAH
    Your chosen plate: £250
    Our price includes VAT and the DVLA £80 assignment fee.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Ive got one for sale.....7OU 7WAT
  16. What does it say? :thinkingface:
  17. hahahahahahahaha
    you need to scrunch your eyes up a bit
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