You lot are as bad as Theresa May..... .....why are you spending/wasting all this time on debating something that you have no control over? You all know it isn't going anywhere unless there are full scale gilet jaune riots. I told you what would happen (or not) two years ago, yet you are still here pontificating and trying to out do each other with pointless comments. Nothing you say here will make any difference to the outcome, so why not go somewhere else and talk Ducatis?
Referendum is a neverendum when fraudsters win. To not re run it is accepting that law breaking is acceptable The options are 1) revoke the result due to fraud and re run it 2) allow crooks to win and the EU has to re apply for its WTO trading terms, since it will be a market of 600 million people not 660 million people. Once they have been sorted out the WTO will negotiate our trading terms since we are only 60 million people. WTO does not permit sellinga any amount of anything to anybody. It’s got 600 categories of products with thousands of products in each category. Each product or category can have its own tariff and quota. It’s WTO terms that allowed France to blockade Japanese video recorders for a year when first invented.