Chinese stuff

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Whats the general opinion on the cheap Chinese ebay stuff, levels, rear sets, discs etc etc

    Most make for other brands anyway don't they? Can there be real issues with rear sets and levers? Discs maybe another issue
  2. the levers I have are cheap ones and I dont like them - although not faded like others I know - just dont feel the real deal
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  3. i wouldnt trust them.........false economy and potentially dangerous.
  4. I'd avoid, buy cheap pay twice.
  5. But most of the suff branded comes from China to start with. Rear sets and levers particularly, a fifth of the price. And what are the UK suppliers using, the online sellers, as it all looks very similar

    agree with discs tho, have seen those solo corse shite ones crack and warp and lose a few bobbins (contributed to a crash for me) so would avoid them
  6. I have levers and rear sets no problems what so ever. Levers have been on for 2 years and have shown no sights of wear and have not disintegrated rear sets about a year old and again no problemo.

    Im sure this is all teritory thats been covered a million times
  7. Some of the Branded Chinese stuff will have to meet certain Quality Standards prior to being sold by European Distribution Centres, other stuff just swamps the market from various resellers and even eBay.
    I used to be on an Aprilia forum and of the guys bought some cheap levers which were patterned identically to a more expensive brand, for him this almost caused a major accident. For me it was yet another lesson to steer away.
  8. A little known law called the Enterprise Act basically means that whatever sh*t products anyone wants to import into the UK can be done with impunity..........except fakes that is.

    Come on Pete1950....finish it of for me....

  9. Remember the term jap crap!
  10. Chinese chazzo levers on my fireblade, had it flat out over the mountain at the TT and levers stopped me fine. Thing is most of us have in the past bought pattern levers from mps or deemon tweeks etc and those are just as shit but because they look original no one moans.
  11. As said before most of stuff is anyhow made in China. As such it is cheaper for Chinese manufacturer to stamp out extra 1000 levers after he had done Rizoma order then to shut it all down, put worse grade goods and start it all up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Have you looked at the Atlas? China is huge and the sheer number of factories producing things is equally huge.

    The small commodities market in Yiwu is 3 or 4 kilometres long and on 4 floors, it features small booths 40 m2 or less each one representing a factory. Most of your crap comes from here for all uses, not just bikes. However amongst all this tat there are a few stunning factories represented.

    There are also factories at the other extreme which are the equal of anything you will find in Europe. So yes the branded stuff comes from high quality factories in China, a lot of these are in the Pearl delta area, as you swing around the coastal industrial area (and remember this is like going from Italy up to Scotland) you get generally cheaper the further north you go, but the quality also drops. The current line of acceptable quality and price is around Shanghai and Ningbo. Obviously Beijing is the other location for production and is similar to Shanghai in terms of price/quality.
    #12 Royum, Feb 25, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
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  13. Fark! Just noticed that it says "Made in China" on the back of my new iPhone!! Better send it back before it explodes!!!!!!!!111!!!!!seven
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  14. Luca
    They just run on another 1000 for themselves, same quality, often same branding and sell them on the grey market themselves. The sub standard ones manufactured outside of the brand's tolerances also end up on the market in the same way.
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  15. Have had a set of levers on my 749 for over 2 yrs now with no problem. Far better than those ugly pos brembos that are standard. Still yet to hear from anyone that has had a real problem with them other than "i dont like them" or the other classic " someone on a forum once died because the lever snapped, so he told me!!)
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  16. I've had a couple of sets of levers, clutch covers and wind screens.... Getting the theme?
    No issues with any of it! Sorry - one set of levers was a bit of a ball ache to get the brake light to work, although heard the same with a £150.00 set.
    Bake levers must be adjusted correctly! Any issuesI have heard about (on net) have been due to poor fitting/adjustment.
    I would probably draw the line at brake discs, although I know a few chaps that have bought them with no issues. <:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Perhaps you have in mind the Competition Act 1998 and the Enterprise Act 2002. The relevant parts have the effect of prohibiting agreements or practices that restrict free trading and competition between business entities, and repressing cartels; and banning abusive behaviour by a firm dominating a market including predatory pricing, tying, price gouging, refusing to deal, etc.

    Under these laws a manufacturer cannot legally prevent others selling "pattern" spare parts or components to fit their products. Of course, components which are unfit for purpose, or dangerous, or fail to meet relevant British Standards, are illegal for other reasons; and patent & copyright issues may arise.

  18. Different country
  19. Have you seen the engeering projects that go on in China, so really unbeliveable stuff. They have a space program, they are very industrious hard working people so Im sure they can make a brake lever.

    My levers are the flip up type so have few moving parts plus they are adjustable as well as being able to make from short to long and what ever you want in between. Not even any of the anodising has worn off after 2 years use.
  20. I had a set of Chinese levers on my Triumph Daytona and they were fine. One of them faded a bit after few months but it wasn't too visible and they definitely worked fine.
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