Using MS explorer, keep getting the "Ducati forum not responding message" & have to refresh. Just before it happens, keyboard typing is delayed on screen. Any ideas?
Perhaps @El Toro hasn’t paid the ransom That was asked of Him Earlier so the terrorists are shutting the site Down
Stop using explorer, its so insecure which you are proving. Search for different browser; I use firefox.
On Chrome, at least a couple of times a week and only when using this forum ( I am a subscriber) my computer freezes. It freezes to a point I have to manually shut down the laptop with the off button. I then have to press the power on and have to adjust things all again such as brightness, volume and remove the autoplay option for you tube. Again, this forum only , weird.
I can't ever remember this site crashing in all the years I've been here. I am mostly using a Mac with Firefox.
Funny you should say that. My wife thinks forums like this are plagued with Russian trolls from Putin’s hacker shed in St Petersburg, who infiltrate these forums to subliminally pervert the thought processes of middle class Brits to get them to turn against the establishment and status quo and vote for things like Brexit with the end result being disruption and chaos around the world, leaving Putin free to do what he wants undisturbed and to eventually conquer the whole of Europe. She may have a point
Yeah since Joining this forum I seem To have become an even bigger cunt in life. Damn those Russians for making me be somebody else. “Ra ra Rasputin”
I used chrome for years until recently. I kept getting pop-ups inviting me to contact young, nubile Russian girls who apparently were desperate to become my girlfriend. I tried to block them with no success so uninstalled chrome & started using explorer. Anyway, got to go now, meeting Tatiana for coffee.
Why on Earth would a sensible chap allow his wife access to the Interwebz in the kitchen, or indeed, anywhere else? Dude, you is not sensible.