Ah yes. Last time was at portimao when we all got a bollocking because on a previous trip someone had their chair stoken!
I did a day on Andalucia when it first opened, and thought it was shit to be honest Lots of decreasing radius turns, so you never really get into any sort of flow with it. I appreciate they've taken out some of the crapper sections with the revised layout, but there wasn't any stand out bits in the rest. Almeria is the far better of the two, but I wouldn't say either are stand out good compared to some of the other European tracks
Was there a couple of years ago on a 959, took me a day to learn(ish) it, second day felt much better. Like people say plenty of flat or adverse camber decreasing radius turns. Good that it makes you concentrate as I got lost. Chilly first thing. Was there at the same time as Graeme, but he was godlike compared to me!
I did it 2 years ago, after they removed the stop/start chicane on the far side of the track. Flowed better apparently but still quite twisty. Wasn't enamoured with it day 1 but stuck at it and Plater took us around in the van, poinitng out his reference points etc. Much better day 2 and day 3 really liked it. One thing he did say is unless your suspension is set up 100% right you'll probably hate this circuit. As others have said, some difficult radius corners. Some tight, others more flowing and not many straight bits (I think the "straight" was only about 400m worth). It'll soon find out if your suspension is right....or not. Would I go back? Yep as I think it's been improved since then. In fact I'm doing the Kev Healy Brexit Special - Circuito De Espana 28-31 March. Might get stuck out there....with a bit of luck.