Whats does that mean? Is it that you can't pay cash in or that you cant send your missus in to pay money into your account (not joint, in your name)?
The bloke is a First class cunt and should be picking the soap up in the showers with magic mike and Paul the penetrator for company
You forgot Alastair WarCrim Cuntbell. That fecker needs to be - ah, prosecuted. Extremely prosecuted. (Why aren't I allowed to say what I am really thinking?)
People who can’t spill words correctly.... Xmas so called songs played on a loop in shops! No wonder people prefer to buy online..
A primary school in Brighton is to teach 8year olds that trans boys and men and non binary people may have periods, in their sex education class. I want to leave this planet.
Save me a space on the ship please. I just want to bring my make up bag and dildo collection if that’s ok with you
Yeh and I'm being told that I must accept LGBT etc etc. Sorry, I can see where they are heading with this. Ffs femmist can't cope with the LGBT lol
28 million for getting the sack! That will do for me I’m off to tell my Port of Felixstowe Manager what I really think of him....