Dyna Beads

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by JH_1986, Dec 23, 2018.

  1. I've done a quick search but only a couple of people mentioning them.

    I’ve just ordered a set of Dyna Beads to go in my new tyres on the bike. Figured it’s worth a shot and may save the cost of a tyre balancing kit.

    Anyone used them? Hoping I’ve done right in ordering them.
  2. Witchcraft :scream:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. So’s the tinterwebs but here we are talking... or are we.. I’m at home :thinkingface::scream:
  4. I'm in Kromeriz and therefore not here :eyes:
  5. Aren’t these things you shove up yer arse? Well done for sharing :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Their website say no to low profile and road race tyres..... this would worry me.
  7. Beat me to it :D
  8. From the title I thought this was going to be a porn video,
    Dyna does Beads!
  9. Why??? Is balancing a wheel difficult?
    No manufacturer uses them Mmmm wonder why.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. They look like they fix a problem ive never had. My view is dont use anything not recommended by tyre manufacturer. Install and fit as per their recommendations and you will have not problems.

    But enjoy and let us know how they go
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I’ve used them , worked as advertised ...and no weights to spoil the aesthetics
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  12. My front wheel weight fell off (with a bit of help from the pressure washer) I haven't noticed any imbalance. Do we really need them at all?
  13. Had a set of Pirelli that took my tyre guy an age to balance. Much swearing and much spinning. He eventually said he’d pretty much balanced it as good as it was going to get and it may have been a funny front.

    Was fine normally but at 130 plus the bike developed a nasty shake.
  14. Loads on YouTube here’s a couple of links, one about the principal and the other a cautionary note, I’ve never come across them before, interesting non the less:

  15. Well, I suppose I’ll update the post accordingly when I get round to trying them out. If they’re crap then I’ll be sure to whip the wheels out and balance them properly but at least everyone on here will know.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. Whether they work or not, in the long term those beads are going to be very environmentally unfriendly.
  17. Yes. If it’s unbalanced.
  18. Ceramic beads that are reusable, vs metal weights that are discarded. I would argue our single use nature is more harmful.
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  19. They are plastic beads. At the end of their life, which will happen eventually, how will you dispose of them? At least the metal can be recycled.
  20. Depends on the brand. The ones I have ordered are ceramic and reusable, with the ceramic not breaking down into dust and ruining the inside of the tyre. Some places I’ve read reviews, some users have had the same set in for 3/4 tyre changes so far. Understand what you’re saying though with the metal being recyclable. The wife and I are trying quite hard to adjust our lives and the usage of harmful products.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
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