Housing Your Road Bike .. Err .. In Style .. ??

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by everclear, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. People still live in the UK???
  2. You'll get used to his argumentative and diversionary tactics. It's what he does.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. Thanks EL, I’ll handle it from here, he’s a baffling one for sure o_O lawyer I think :thinkingface:
  4. He is I think. I look forward to seeing your jousts. :)
    • Like Like x 1
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  5. Pffft ,,, he's alright - there's nothing new under the sun. In my job I've seen every debating trick in the book, fortunately there's usually a cranky beak on the bench to swiftly keep any advocate relevant to the point or be sat down and no longer heard.

    @Exige just needs to be pulled in line when he gets too carried away ... and to know who always stocks too much in the intellect armoury. :eyes:
  6. Thiko :bucktooth:
  7. Hahahahahaha yeah I've been been called that too you snake oil salesman :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. I'll keep an eye out for you, @Exige.

    If it looks like you are ever getting into difficulty, I'll let you know a tactic or two for shooting down lawyers. Like all experts, they are uniquely vulnerable to OCPs (Outside Context Problems) as their "skillset" is just learned - they are not after all naturally gifted.

    Not that you are likely to get into difficulties in this case. Aussies are merely aspirational Kiwis, they aren't the genuine article (like chiz).
  9. Good synopsis, I’ll be fine :blush: after all, only El T can out gun me by turning off my account when I make him *sigh* code :mad:mad
    :) he is the judge the aspiring Kiwi mentions I think :eyes:
  10. Who? What you on about now?
  11. Oh dear, yet again I have to help @Loz out with a caution against assumptions. Even if what has been said about lawyers were true (believe me lawyers get to see every facet of humanity from the most foul to the most praiseworthy, from the most gifted to the most impaired etc,), but even if that were not so, I didn't start "lawyering" until age 30. What did I do before then? What experience in what other fields do I possess?

    The assumption that because I am a lawyer I must have gone straight from school to Uni to Law is foolish ... and it stands corrected.

    Now the important thing is that you learn not to make such assumptions about any person in the future - lesson for the day ends.:)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Lock Thread Lock Thread x 1
  12. I think you have him on ignore, but I can’t as it’s his round for coffee in spring :worried:
  13. We’re you a lollipop man? :thinkingface:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. That shows a spine. Insult a person but hide from their responses,
  15. : o D

  16. Ignore? What's that, an Interweb thingy?
  17. It means you put your fingers in your ears and over your eyes when you type, quite a skill and one normally reserved for people with webbed hands
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. East Coast folk, then. OK.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Or west if Aus due to the upside down, topsy turvy nature :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  20. One of mine in the dining room next to my Harley on the dining room table as you do lol

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