"That if one person gets more,another will get less.Always was,always will be..." I don't see too much wrong in that until there are extremes.........What I do dislike, are the idiots at the top lining their pockets off the backs of everyone else........ .......and they are idiots........How long has it been since there were people at the top that could be defined as real statesmen? In fact were there ever any to speak of? As far as I am concerned, I would like to see a completely new batch of a*seholes in charge......bearing in mind this is supposed to be a capitalist nation (nation....huh, that's a joke in itself), it's about time it was being run as a profitable business, actually producing goods that are worth having and exporting; not the riduculous **fake industry** we have today..... (**..I can tell you some wonderful examples about Govt bodies and call centres, for example six people employed, just to pass a message between person 1 and person 6...........) ....therefore IMO what we need at the top are people that know how to run business.......(people that haven't deliberately feathered theior own nest and then 'resigned' / 'retired' with a huge payout).......people that know something about the particular discipline in which their skills are needed....... AL
I have asked myself this question on more than one occasion. The very fact that people put themselves forward for the top jobs means that they are unsuitable for the task. It is all about power and power corrupts. Elites looking after elites. I am getting very bored with it all.
Italy. .liberal left v mafia right = trouble ahead. My money's on mafia. In 5 years europe will dissolve the EU and the right will rule. Hope im wrong but its on the cards.
He became a Chingford skinhead after he became an MP, then he became a peer. What I object to is that Mark Thatcher became a hereditory !!!!! baronet
Yes, the same Norman Tebbit who berated low-paid nurses for having second jobs at the same time as he had a string of directorships under his belt. Hypocrisy or what?