Shit Dave that is bad luck and painful, get well soon. I think you should still take the bike and relax in the sun, there'll be plenty of takers to ride her round the track for you!
Would you f*cking believe it ... I was running to catch a train after a stupid ticket seller made me late You know, I had thought of that but I won't even be able to get the bike into/out of a van ... ... I may be selling my place off cheap if anyone is interested ... watch this space
That does indeed suck. The day I got knocked off my bike in 2010, I met a man in my hospital ward, professional boxer/coach who broke both bones just above the ankle.....getting out of bed. By all accounts he stood up, one bone went, the second couldn't hold the weight and went as well. I hope the Docs gives you some good news thou. Cross fingers
Thanks everyone :smile: The tendon is not totally gone so they have strapped me up in supporting bandages and given me crutches (bastards to use!). I have to go back on Monday (Friday if they can fit me in) for assessment to see if it has stabilised or if I need to go into plaster - which would be for about 8 weeks!
Look on the bright side Dave, with your record on the track and the road over the past few years, it might just have saved you from much bigger pain and expense! GWS
ouch..i did mine playing rugby when i was a kid..glad to report that after it was in a cast for a couple of months that i never had any bother once i'd built up my scrawny leg...couple of years later i acquired multiple fractures of my ankle which was worse...then came the disc prolapse last year in my c5/c6 with nerve root compression, pressure on my brain stem and subsequent vertebral fractures (42 in total...eek) still on the mend after a major op, but if its taught me one thing, the human body has incredible powers of recouperation with the right treatment, the right attitude and a bit of luck...i was virtually an invalid for a year and lost 3 stone of lean body weight which im trying to get back... my advice is take the painkillers, dont overdo it, trust the docs, do as youre told and keep looking forward to getting back to full strength..try not to let it piss you off too much..with any luck you may be able to walk around on the cast with the help of your crutches..right pain trying to have a shower, or hopping around the kitchen whilst trying to make a brew.. Best of luck with your recovery Dave, you'll be on the mend in no least for the start of the the meantime you can always amuse yourself by being a right royal pain in the arris on the forums! All the best mate
I've been on crutches for the last three months, with about another 6 months to go. I've found people are generally very nice, and doors are held, bags carried etc. What you will find though is that people simply dont understand how difficult being on crutches makes life in general - even the most simple tasks are near impossible and totally exhausting.