big ones like the nhs? hmm, maybe yer right, they're designed to fail, i wonder how long trump pharmacuetals will last?
Except fin, that is a fake leaflet and not from nhs England, it WAS from a tweet from Gary Lineker though
This is typical though. Headline is ‘there will be implications if we leave with no deal’ with a long list. The list is all one thing really, MAY not be able to get prescriptions. Sorry, but to me it’s just scare mongering designed for people that only read headlines.
maybes aye, maybes naw Replying to @Beloved_Black_C @IanDunt That 'poster' looks like it has been knocked up in PowerPoint in about 10 minutes. I have serious doubts about its authenticity. (I'm not saying we shouldn't worry about medicine availability) 2 replies 0 retweets 7 likes Molly R @Molpol 9h9 hours ago Have seen an identical one in my local hospital, can confirm authenticity. 2 replies 0 retweets 12 likes Justin Williams @justinterject 7h7 hours ago Hi Molly. Which hospital if you don't mind me asking? If it's in London I'd like to get an actual photo as there are people doubting the authenticity of the source. Thanks! 1 reply 0 retweets 4 likes Molly R @Molpol 6h6 hours ago St Thomas in Westminster or Guys in London Bridge - been to both recently, they are big places and I couldn’t tell you exact location, but I remember spotting it and feeling . I wasn’t in the pharmacy but that’s where I’d check first if I was hunting. 1 reply 0 retweets 5 likes Justin Williams @justinterject 6h6 hours ago Perfect! thanks, I will let you know what I find!
thats where you have been goiung wrong, its fair to assume every headline, no matter the source, is always a lie, the closest you will ever get to the facts in most articles is in the bottm two parragraphs
You can also find it on that totally independendent and well researched site called The author of the post even admits she found it a well researched source called....facebook
its mentioned early on in the coments. its not stated as fact, hence no source. buuuuttt. chriss grayling.
BBC reported today that women aren't shaving their hair off anymore with a pic of women with a hairy armpit. Just didn't look right.