sh..te, feel for ya .. i'm off to Aragon and Valencia in 10 days and am afraid to go down the stairs out of fear of falling off and braking something... grrrrr....
Get well soon! I had to use crutches a couple months ago I had no idea how difficult it was for me and knackering!!!!
Like many former sprinters & rugby players, I've had tears of both my achilles tendons without rupturing them. You have my sympathy as it is a painful injury. The current thinking is that immobilisation (plaster cast) results in a stronger repair than surgery. Good physio is essential, I still keep up with the exercises I learnt in physio as I get the occasional tightening of one tendon or the other. Good luck for a complete recovery.
Dave, you've not had an off from the Desmo and are too embarrassed to fess up are you? Just thinking:- Thread starts on attending Desmo track day Thread starts on re-painting Desmo Thread starts on hurting yourself. Bike needs painting, injury to ankle, just saying that's all mate
would be preferable to have just broken the bloody thing - hope you get sorted but pics or it didnt happen Dave