748 My 2000 748r Purchase

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by everclear, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. This has taken a while, the tyranny of distance can be a bastard in Aust. (in this case 2700km).

    The bike was first posted for sale in my FB group and after negotiations (aired elsewhere on here) and freeing up cash the deal was done.

    Bike has been verified as one of the (MY2000) 690 made by Ducati. Hardly any came to Aust. This one has been laid up in a shed for about 3 years and needs a complete refresh and is unregistered. The owner has become , in his words, too old to ride it.

    Located in Adelaide, which is neither here nor there in Aust there is a sole Ducati dealership. When I emailed them with a clear subject line to ask about a pre-purchase inspection they deleted it unread. So I found a reputable general M/C mechanic and asked a certain specialist ( @Android853sp ) for a few things the mechanic should look out for.

    Happily, nothing turned up than what I already new. So the bike has a 45/50mm link pipe to the Termi cans and a UM241 chip. Showa front, Ohlins Rear, no stamp on the yoke consistent with the year.

    I have verified it with Ducati and the owner is supplying a folder of his verification of it, other docs and the service manual as well as the Anderson stand and bike cover.

    The only issue I pondered over was the 35K on the Odo which is higher than I would have liked. However, taking rarity here and all else into consideration, as well as a negotiated price of about GBP3900 I have taken the leap. Now I am hoping it turns up here in the same state it left Adelaide.

    Attached are a few pictures and in the 1st reply a video of the bike running.:)

    Ready to leave Nice Shot 080119.jpg 748-5.JPG Ultimap241.jpg Loading  080119 #2.jpg
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  3. Doc Folder #3 Service Manual.jpg
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  4. Not sure I qualify for the accolade “specialist” but I am pleased to have been of some help and glad it looks like it’s going to work out. Andy
    • Love You Love You x 1
  5. Great buy , looks super clean as well
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  6. Looks the biz. Can't imagine finding one in the UK for anywhere near that price especially looking like that.:upyeah:
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  7. Thanks, I hope so. Freight is not only fairly expensive but you hear some bloody awful stories over that distance and going from depot to depot etc. Just keeping my expectations in check until it rolls into the garage ...
  8. It sounds perfect, I hope mine sounds as good when I eventually get round to collecting it!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I was advised that it should sound "like a bag of spanners" until the clutch was in [tick] :laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Manual may need an update for your bike - I believe there are a number of differences between the R and the models listed in that manual.
    You may be able to get a CD rom copy off eBay.
  11. Lots of differences between the biposto ,sp and R.
  12. There is no separate manual for "R" versions, differences are noted within and I have checked against the latest available online copy that I can find - same statement.

    snip from manual.JPG
  13. I see what you are saying however, at the time that manual was written, the 748R didn’t even exist so I would not interpret that disclaimer as being 100% accurate.
    The manual is from pre-996 days so is likely written around 1994-96 when those mod3ls were still in production.

    Jus’ sayin’....
  14. Yeah, that's fine :upyeah:. All I meant was that I have looked at manuals available online, not just for the 748, but also for the 1098, for example, and they don't appear to produce separate manuals for the "R" iterations. You can get Spare Parts catalogues for "R" editions specifically, but not service manuals (as far as my searches have revealed anyway). :)
  15. Only major servicing difference I know between the 748R and other 748’s et al is the belt service interval. 748R is every 12 months. I also seem to remember the Ohlins spindle clamp bolt torque is lower than the Showa forks although I wouldn’t torque either of them more than 8 or 9 Nm no matter what the book says. Andy
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  16. From at least 2000 the variation versions of the 748/9XX bikes (including R models) had their own workshop manuals. Part number for the MY00 748R Factory Manual is 91470261 with an alpha suffix depicting the language versions and issue number. Noteable differences are in the torque settings and slight variations in assembly notes, specifically suspension and engine. They will have different wiring diagrams (3 phase bikes have very different main looms and circuit colours from the 916 era bikes) and certainly have different engine internals. If you are interested, MY00 paper manuals are available on ebay, for example https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2000-Duc...h=item54080149f1:g:9cAAAOSwzrxUu0ZF:rk:6:pf:0
    I would search for a PDF online, or perhaps ask nicely on here for a full function PDF version, there are online sellers that do full function pdfs (not page scans) for less than a tenner.

    Another thing to look out for is to find and download the last issue on the parts book for a particular MY and always try to match the MY with the correct parts book otherwise you will eventually get caught out buying new bits. For example there are parts used on the final MY02 748E, S and R bikes which are not shown in the parts book until the final issue came out in April 2003. Issue dates are listed on the bottom of each page. If you buy from a decent Ducati dealer the parts man will know and be able to explain if the part or part number has been changed/updated.

    If anyone would like a digital copy of the MY02 748/748S manual (Italian/English) 91470291E send me a message and I will send you a full function searchable CD/DVD for the promise of a coffee.
    #16 Denzil the Ducati, Jan 12, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  17. The only 748R manual I can locate is for the 2002 Model (suffix H). I will see if I can check an online version as I suspect ( and I only suspect, I don't know) that this would be in the form of an appendum to the relevant base service manual. Unfortunately, hard copy versions on ebay provide no indication of number of pages.

    Obviously, for my purposes I'm only interested in an MY2000 748R service manual if one exists.
  18. I have model specific R manuals for both my 749R and 1098R.
  19. #MeToo
    Although obviously for mine, not yours!
  20. Everclear did you miss this (2000 Ducati 748 R 91470261H factory workshop manual BRAND NEW - English/Italian)for $25 plus shipping @ $40 from the US on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2000-Duc...h=item54080149f1:g:9cAAAOSwzrxUu0ZF:rk:6:pf:0
    I can vouch for the seller as they sell NOS parts at prices that are often below used and they ship international. If you are worried about numbers of pages you can ask them. The English Italian versions are just that and the content is usually arranged Italian on the left side English on the right of each page then data sections are Italian first then English
    #20 Denzil the Ducati, Jan 12, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
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