Religion.......... Is it all that?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. I'm off out on the bike, have had enough of this crap.
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  2. It is all getting a bit tedious Royum, can't say I blame you.

    So far we've learnt that quite a lot of people couldn't give a fig for religion, and not many people have stood up for it. I'd call that a resounding win for atheism, let's all go down the pub then:upyeah:
  3. thank you for your contribution.
  4. This threads great, lets keep it going a bit more, its refreshing to read such intelegent debate.

    Heres a passage I'm pasting from someone obviously anty religion.

    ManyChristians would be surprised to know that the late Roman emperors
    manufacturedthe Religion now called Christianity, in a desperate attempt to hold
    acrumbling empire together. Elements from several different religions were
    combinedto create a “universal” or Catholic Church, which was established to
    stabilizeand unify the Roman Empire.
    Zoroastrianism,Mithraism, the cult of Dionysus, the cult of Isis and Osiris, the
    cult ofAmen and many others, were all used to create Christianity. All of these
    ancientreligions were widespread thru out the late Roman Empire and are still
    detectablein modern Christianity, the cult of Isis has become the cult of the
    VirginMary, Mithras/Osiris/Dionysus combined have become the Christ, and
    everyChristian knows that hymns and prayers end with “Amen” the name of the
    ancientEgyptian god Amen. The New Testament texts that Christianity is based
    on wereextensively edited for content, and even rewritten by people employed by
    the RomanEmperors to create this new religion. Many texts that did not fit into
    this newscheme were simply dropped from the list of acceptable texts, and in
    some caseswere banned outright.
    ThisFrankenstein’s monster creation of the Roman Empire has carried on a
    war foralmost 17 centuries trying to subjugate or eradicate all other belief
    systems inan effort to become the “Universal” church of the world. They have
    warredupon heretics, scientists, witches, pagans, people of other religions, and
    splintersects of their own religion. This cult of human sacrifice masquerading as
    a religionis in reality a political machine designed for world conquest.
    While Ivalue the New Testament texts as one source of information on the
    Soma God,I have absolutely no use for the “Christian religion” as currently
  5. Sounds about right to me.
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  6. Constantine was his name. Scholars and other stake holders debated and fought for years to get the Christianity we have today, between 300 - 400 AD.
  7. I hesitated before posting this image, but it is up on Facebook and they have refused to remove it. An islamist website publishes detailed instructions how to stone people to death (sic). Sums up what religion is really about, I think.
    [Note: I shall understand if it is decided to delete this post].

  8. That is truly barbaric.
  9. Beyond belief.
  10. Why? It's been going on for centuries. And Islam is a religion that is stuck in the Middle Ages.
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  11. That doesn't make it any better though, does it?
  12. ... and the award for civilised society goes to ... unbelievable
  13. I didn't say it did. I just intimated that its not beyond belief given that things haven't changed in centuries.
  14. I knew that to be the case Pete but that picture almost made me physically sick.
  15. Good post.

    Do they have others for how to behead people?
  16. i suggest a website called [ive removed the name of the website] (i think its distasteful to post a link to anything specific) but if you wish to see the practical application of these instructions, then theres many videos of so called female adulterers (women who've been the victim of rape or wish to be divorced from their barbaric husbands)...its stomach churning watching the cheering crowds...if thats not your bag and your prefer to see bound women thrown into a ditch and cut to ribbons in a hail of AK-47 gunfire then that can be catered for too...if, your'e more roots in your faith and love of the almighty you can enjoy public breadknife beheadings, hand and foot amputation, feet birching and general dismemberment...
    With the rise of evil, satanic secularism we've tending to sin against our lord and saviour by turning our backs on such acts of love, devotion and dedication..and now we are paying the price with our free minds, science, medicine and the quest for the 'real' meaning of human know, education, endeavour, self expression, meaningful relationships and all that load of shit.
    Anyone who has the arrogance to think that their personal god gives a shit if a certain football team wins, or has helped them get a bank loan while tens of thousands of people starve to death, and tens of thousands of children never see their first birthday is both unfathomably, obscenely stupid and past any logical rational discourse, and also deeply psychotic...these are the delusions of madmen..

    'An truly evil man will do evil, but to make a truly good man do evil, takes religion'.
    #97 funkyrimpler, Feb 28, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2013
  17. that Loyd Grossman in image 7?? just wondering...he's playing with fire...a jew in the heart of caring, sharing muslimarabia..
  18. But West Brom are up to 7th in the Prem.

    There has to be a God!
  19. here's a direct quote from

    If you are a Muslim, you MUST read this section and watch the video to increase your knowledge of Islam. Increasing one's knowledge about Islam is farz (compulsory)!
    Also, you must force yourself to like stoning, because Mohammed ordered it. If you are afraid to watch the video or have watched it and are disgusted by it, you will likely be punished in Hell for Kufr. So watch the video and do NOT be disgusted!

    if this post is deleted i have no problem with that.

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