[h=5]Imagine you are part of an ancient civilization, Stone age to Medieval period. By todays standards, you have, an intellectual understanding of the world you live in as a 2 year old lets say in terms of understanding the complexities of the universe. Now the only humanoids are that of your fellow kinsman or other tribes be them from near or far and the only machines are such as horse and cart. Birds and insects can fly, so too can Angels. No `flying machine` of any shape or form has been created and so you have no reference, thoughts, imagination or wildest dreams of anything of the sort. Remember, Earth is the center of the universe; not that you have any conception of the Earth`s place in it let a lone its existence. Question: You see something, you or no-one has witnessed anything like it. It cannot be explained. All you have are your eyes to see it "AT FACE VALUE", as you see it there and then, unadulterated, unexplained and exactly as it is in front of you........How would you DRAW/CARVE something like that so that what you produced would as accurately depict what you saw for future generations to see? Ask yourself this question, take into consideration of the conditions of your intellectual ability to comprehend what you are seeing and then look over these pictures of artifacts and paintings for such civilizations......and then ask yourself, based on this, what does it mean when the oldest cave paintings in the world........have rudimentary, "billy aged 2" drawings of what are clearly the only way a "cave man" could draw an alien and his space craft to depict to future generations of the meeting of this celestial being from the stars. You owe it to yourself whether you believe or not in aliens to look at these pictures and ask yourself rationally, what would they have seen to make them draw/carve these!!!!!! Enjoy and please share- [/h]UFO's In Ancient Art lithiumdreamer.tripod.comThe appearance of fiery chariots and hovering discs in Renaissance Era paintings - as well as beings working their controls and/or attired in garb that we commonly recognize today as spacesuits - proves, at least, that UFOs were being sighted in medieval times. While no direct connection can be isol... Like · · Share · 3 minutes ago ·
Now I read on one of these pages about Christian art that the background was often filled with anomalies of what was going on at the time. Usually the art was commissioned by the church etc so the painting had to depict what was asked for yet the artist would often put things into the background which either had meaning or to secretly speak out about something. All these paintings can be found online as well as in books as too can ancient carvings or artifacts such as cave paintings and the Inca`s and Mayan`s . If you hunt and find anything cool please post it here
That kind of sinks it doesn't it ... also explains why 'aliens' stopped appearing in paintings in the modern era
Just do a search for Inca aeroplane..........here's one link.......Ancient Aeroplanes. Did the Incas Build Aircraft? AL
When I was a kid, people were always claiming to have seen UFOs but could never prove it - funny how that now everyone carries a camera no-one sees them anymore...
I think you will find that man has dreamt of flying since he saw the first bird. The OP is not giving the ancients enough credit for there intelligence they weren't as dumb as he thinks. Imagination isn't something invented by modern man. You only have to read the things we know are true about ancient Egyptians and greeks to know they were pretty clever
Its writer was a well-know fraudster, hoaxer and fabricator. Erich von Däniken - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well known if around at the time ;-) Doesn't it pose some thought provoking questions if nothing else?
My favourite von Däniken question involved a meticulously carved crystal skull and was along the lines of, "How did the ancient civilisation manage to determine the structure of the human skull thousands of years before x-rays were invented?" Genius :biggrin:
Actually is not the dream of being able to `fly` I was reffering to its the ability to dream up the image of a flying machine that would resemble something that looked like the sort that we have today or what we view as UFO`s. An analogy would be to ask a blind man from birth to draw what a car. You couldnt even explain it to him cos he would have no reference. It would go like this "kinda draw a cuboid and at each corner draw a circle, we`l get the idea" "what does a cuboid look like, and a circle" Now you can pull it apart but you all are intelligent to understand what i mean, and that is what I meant in the question. as well as knowing what I meant by saying they were limited in their understanding of the universe, just as once, man kind new the world was flat! So there, now thats clarified. Yes the Egyptians were very cleaver as far as saying, cleaver more so than modern man as we cant do what they did and many things still baffer engineers and scientists. But its about drawing what has been seen, and clearly these objects are what look like UFO`s and so there must be some reference seen at that time of something or other it give them a perspective. and since man wasnt able to build flying machines in early history it leaves few to no other viable and logical answers. Of course depends what side of the fence you sit on. But still if you look at it logically.........
"Build" or make something just like a model of something their `Gods` used to zoom down from the heavens??? Like we have charms/models/ornaments of things?
Aliens are probably amazed that creatures as dumb as dogs can manage to get humans to pick up their shit and bag it!
The reason UFO's do not appear anymore is easy. In ancient times we could throw rocks at them. Now we can throw rockets, nukes, bullets, plains and all other manner of things that go boom. We kick ass now