I assume planes as opposed to throwing parts of the Russian Steppes (plains) at them, although that would work too.:smile:
There was a parade in the red square some time near the cold war era, similar in China, whan hudreds to thousands of civilians gathered to watch the might of their arms parade in front of them. there were many cameras as well as tv reporters with film crews. during the parades with soldiers tanks and aircraft there were a dozen or so UFO seen and recorded flying down and over the parade. jets were scrambled to intercept but couldnt. These events happen if front of the world. You can research and even watch these videos. the governments didnt even deny it. In the words of X-Files, "the truth is out there" You just need to look away from the TV that has you glued to TOWIE and other mind numbing shit to see
Give a child a sheet of paper and they will soon work out how to make a paper dart, even if you tell them not to. Making a small flying device out of twigs, string, paper, cloth, etc is not at all hard, for a really clever chap who has seen birds and bats. It is reasonable to suppose many people have invented and reinvented model gliders and hot-air balloons many times over down the centuries, in all parts of the world. Flimsy devices would not survive, but occasionally paintings or metal/stone representations of them would have been made, and a few might survive down to the present day. And guess what, that is exactly what we find. We do not need to look to gods, angels, aliens or witches for explanations. Sorry to rain on your flights of fancy!
Come on Goody we all know it was the evil Americans. Who else would need to know which cardboard rockets were Russians parading.
Hello, the X-Files was a work of fiction. That means it's made up, not facts. Is there any intelligent life on this thread?
Take a stone age man, give him a shave and scrub him up and he would be physically and mentally indistinguishable from a modern man. They were not simpletons.
Isn't it a little bit arrogant to assume that,out of all the uncountable planets in what we consider to be the Universe,we're the only "intelligent",life form?.Or the only one that's capable of interplanetary travel,(as much as the human race has achieved anyway)? As a free-thinking adult human being,I'm inclined towards believing far more in alien existence than I am in all the pomp and mystery associated with,"religion".There's absolutely no proof of the existence of a celestial being,as far as I know no highly-skilled/educated and intelligent (civil and military) Pilots have ever reported seeing a long-haired gentleman beaming at them down from the clouds,but there are plenty of folk who live their lives as if he existed.They'll almost certainly be the same people who want to dismiss any idea of UFOs by claiming that there's no actual proof...
Equally it could be arrogance to assume that 'they' have come here in preference to the countless other star systems at a time when no signal was being transmitted from Earth. Interplanetary travel is one thing, travel between solar systems is several orders of magnitude away. Without a fundamental breakthough in our understanding of physics and the universe I think it is safe to assume we are stuck in our own solar system. My personal belief is that it is almost inconceivable that alien life is not out there but any physical contact is highly unlikely.
The countless billions of planets no doubt have given rise to millions of types of intelligent life forms. That does not mean that any of them have ever visited Earth, or are ever likely to, since most must be thousands of light-years away or more; nor that they have anything to do with "UFOs". Every flying object is an "unidentified flying object" until somebody identifies it. Most are identified easily, some are more difficult. There remain a few that nobody manages to identify on the information available. So what? Again, we do not need to invoke gods, angels or aliens just because the identity of some objects is undetermined. It is all rather like "miracles" - they are ordinary events, or tricks, or delusions, or lies; even if we don't know the facts of precisely what happened in a particular case, we don't need to resort to supernatural explanations. Get out Occam's Razor, and apply it!
It depends on whether the supposed life form is of a similar material composition to ourselves,and that our understanding of physics is complete.As we know absolutely nothing about them/they/it/whatever,we can't even begin to comprehend what understanding or ability they/them/it/whatever, have or are capable of. I'll keep an open mind...
ive always dreamt of being able to fly..when i was a kid i said to my dad that i would have loved to be shot up to the moon... apparently, if the condom hadnt have leaked i would have been.
Our understanding of physics is certainly not complete but I don't think we will see warp drive or worm holes anytime soon. See Pete's post above.
Errr.....thanks,but I'll keep an open mind.I neither believe nor disbelieve,and as no-one has any definitive proof of anything different,(no matter what wisdom they might claim),it's unlikely that'll change in the near future. If anything was to convince me of the existence,(or otherwise),of UFOs/Aliens/whatever,it would be the written reports and statements of professional pilots and aircrew,they are unlikely to have a vested interest or gain any advantage from making such statements. Not enough proof for me, though I'd love to believe......be a hoot!
What would convince me is 'Alien DNA' (or its equivalent) that can't trace its evolution back to pond slime.
IS IT? fook I thought it was real.(thats sarcasm, In case you thought like my reference to a fictional tv series was my belief in it. So you believe that life only exists on this planet then. Surely if we were put here by God, he/she could do the same on another planet..or a different God could. Cos if there is one God, why assume there are not more. Just as if we/life evolved here and was not put here it could not evolve else where? Either case be it a fatalist view where Gods put us here or a Darwinian View, you have to acknowledge the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe. End of really, how can there not be. But people Knew the world was flat like we know there is no other life...and one day we will know there is life elsewhere, lets hope its on good terms!
As I wrote before, its there understanding of the universe, not their capacity to understand. Back then people had a fatalistic belief in their existence that everyone and everything was governed by the Gods and people are still like that today. Why not just say "I dont believe in life other than on this planet" and leave it like that :biggrin:
You cannot be very open minded nor really will in question and stretch idea`s as far as they could go. We study animals and even human tribes today, to learn about them. Imagine if we discovered a planet with developing humanoid intelligent life forms not too dissimilar to our early ancestors. How fascinating to watch them evolve and to see if they evolution, triumphs and failures and wars reflected any similarities of our own history. Would we drop in and impact or remain hidden where possible so not to impact on nature just as we do when a cute little animal gets hunted and eaten on David Attenborough. After all I believe that if a species evolves to be able to understand its existence such as mankind has, and evolve technological like we have, at some point there will come a point in history when they will have the ability and means to wage war on a global scare. Curtain factors have to come together at the same time to enable this, and for an observer ie an alien, what an amazing opportunity.....and then a space race, with all the new advances that would allow them to enter the space age. Star Trek is on the money haha. Id like to point out that I dont think war is great, sadly it has been necessary, but to forget ones past means repeating those same mistakes in the future.
See thats just utter bollocks, there are countless videos and pictures by civilians, military and astronauts of UFO`s when coming from the later 2 especially the last, and you see or hear their communications, how they are totally stumbled on what they are, or the shear scale of how advanced the UFO are, when all possibilities to explan what they are fail to, the only logical answer is that it is a machine not from this earth......unless its a black project. You should look into it, there are loads of sighting from pilots during the war, videos and comm recordings from space, by astronauts in shuttles and ISS. to see and hear these can leave no question. They are not natural and if they are not human then it can be only one thing.