Is This the Longest Week Ever?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyp79, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. The one thing I'm worried about is getting the tyres scrubbed in and how slick the road will be. I have to get out of the city first on a straight road then I am going for a 70-80 mile loop to the Trossachs then home which should have that taken care of but I'm still nervous about leaving the shop on it... Stupid isn't it? 14 years of riding and I'm nervous.

    I've been sleeping fine to be honest, which is weird as I normally don't sleep well at all. Went to see Frightened Rabbit last night (who were SUPERB!) and expected to be awake all night as I usually am after gigs or being out "late" on a school night but I never opened my eyes once last night!

    I keep sitting having wee daydreams though like a 3 year old. Spent a lot of time on YouTube the past few weeks too watching Ducati clips...

    Regarding the closing of threads, I'm not sure what that's about but I fully intend to start a new one with photos and that once I finally get the bike. :biggrin:

    Is it Friday yet?
  2. Get stuck into some work and stop thinking about it. It'll come soon enough :upyeah:
  3. What time you picking her up? Might pop by. Remember and watch oot for the potholes out the back of dg!!
  4. Ach, not til about 4ish. Which is a bit of a pain but hey ho.

    Yeah, that lane is a disaster zone from what I remember. I assumed I be leaving by the front four so to speak... Maybe not!
  5. Have a great day tomorrow, I certainly intend too, I wonder how quickly I can put on 600 miles without getting divorced, by being out all the time ? :rolleyes:
  6. Yep all the best chaps..... And have fun!

  7. Aye, same to you guys too. Enjoy the day and hopefully they're all run-in before long.

    Mine is booked in next Saturday for the first service. I'll be able to get at least 500 miles in by then so hopefully that's in half decent weather!

    Take it easy guys. And please stick a thread up here showing off the new bikes. :smile:

    All the best.

  8. All the best to all you who are getting new bikes! I'm just looking forward to the pics!
  9. Is next week going to be the most expensive week ever? What percentage of the value of your lovely new bikes will evaporate in the first week, especially if you do 500 miles? And the running-in period is not even all that much fun. But I'm only pointing this out to diminish my envy quotient.
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  10. Cheers everyone and safe riding :smile:
  11. Twelve hours to go :wink:
  12. Not too fussed about that really and I hate running bikes in so am keen to get that over with asap. Hence the 500 mile week.

    Helps get used to the new bike but running in does suck. :(
  13. Are we there yet dad? :tongue:
  14. Nearly...!

    It's the train home I'm not looking forward to of this whole thing. It'll be fine though... phone loaded with my recent music purchases and the new issue of evo.
  15. SWMBO has just collected her new car. That's me skint again :frown:
  16. Are you there yet :)
  17. Will do. I've not got any good pics yet.

    Just for the record... It's bloody amazing! I'm delighted!
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