Ok. Didn’t he let them vote to decide to change how long it can be, if the deal is rejected, before they come back with a new one ? I can see the logic in that, being as it’s not long left before the deadline, but I agree in that it favours the remainers. Can someone please explain to me, in terms an idiot like me can understand, why it would be so bad to leave the EU ? I can’t see us living in caves and hunting deer six months after leaving like some would have us believe
Maybe, but I think remainers win in the jumping up and down and holding my breath till I get what I want competition
Perhaps the best way to find out what the people -now educated in what is actually available in regard to Brexit- would be to ask them via a confirmation referendum, or even a GE?
I’m starting to think that might be the only way, but can you imagine the meltdown if the vote came out ‘leave with no deal’
Oh, I thought it was closer than that. I was only about 8 at the time, so probably didn’t take much notice
yes she was/is using the rules to count the clock down, Bercow however, knowing he is retiring this year (or so he said) has now opened a door no other party was able to open before. It's not the one decision itself but the fact it now declares anything goes where as all sides agreed before that some rules are needed. and as such kills the independency that is required to be the chair. It is impossible to be the independent judge who then clearly throws impartiality away despite insisting it cannot be broken We won't, have you noticed how quiet Junker, Verhofstadt and even Barnier have been of late? they know in the dying few weeks, they could be in the shit more than we could. I was watching interviews the other day with french and german fishermen, both were bleating ohh what we will do whilst forgetting how much they loved taking more fish out of british waters than the brits. The German economy is slowing and forecasts are high of an economy slump and if Germany slumps,the eu slumps. We are a far better country than many want to admit too as they spend most days saying how bad it is. We will have some unsetttled years probably 2 but those would have happened anyway as we set up our own immigration, own deals, own fisheries. After 2-3 years we will be in a far better place and the eu commission know this
Given many have been and seen the eu operate and how it has changed since 1975, wouldn't you say they have been consistently aware of the changes in the eu, so far better informed than say someone who is 18 and their first vote?
it wont be six months, it will creep in over several GE. the main problem for me is the one size must fit all option, i will, even more than before, be subject to the will of essex rather than the needs of up here.
Silly arse, Essex has no Essex national party, if we did, everyone would get free sunbed and teeth whitening sessions. But to show the sillyness of the usual poor us scots bwah bwah, you don't think parts of Scotland think, I'm fed up of being ruled by the populous of Edinburgh?
I know you lot keep going over and over what is going on but what still pisses me off is, the vast majority of parliament agreed to abide by the referendum result yet it seems more and more are hell set on remaining, what sort of low life are these so called politicians.
You are aware that Bercow is a Conservative? It is not undemocratic either. If the people of the country are consulted via a second referendum their current opinion will be given. You feel that the opinion held in June 2016 is sacrosant and should never be allowed to change. Do you fear the result will not coincide with your personal views? If not, welcome a referendum and consolidate the previous result? If that is what the people vote for, so be it. It would need to be acted upon quickly to avoid more confusion. The current inept PM has brought most of this disaster upon us all by the endless delays, lies and obfuscation.
Many MPs are simply wanting the people to confirm their ascent to leaving. If the people want to leave, then the vote will reflect that. Why are Brexiteers/ Leave so against that? What are they afraid of?
If you are able to gain significant support across the entire country to have a third vote, then you should surely get one. Goodluck with that.
Nope and your answer was expected as so many remainer ones are easy to predict Those who in 75 were told it will not be a superstate but a trade body, have seen through the decades how the eec/eu has changed, the continual demands from France and Germany for a eu army, since maastricht how the eu comision is now the authorising body controlling the 28 etc etc when you see throughout your life what something has changed from and changed too then you notice that change and it is the latest directional change that has seen the U.K. say no thank you through a majority democratic vote
I voted "leave" but without any real expectation that leave would win, to be honest until recently I was a bit ambivalent as to whether or not leaving was the best thing to do - the whole of the rest of the family are remainers and give me a hard time about how I voted. With the real prospect of leaving or possibly a second vote I thought I had better research what the "truth" about the EU really is. I found this Kindle book for 0.99p "The Great Deception - the secret History of the EU" by Christopher Booker. The title gives away its bias, the book was written in 2005 it is hard going and repetitive in places BUT the book lays out its sources at the end of every chapter and seems to be a scholarly attempt to answer the question in the title. The march towards a Supranational bureaucracy and the ways in which powers have been lost by national governments without the checks and balances in a totally democratic system has convinced me 100% that leaving (deal or no deal) is better than staying in. A 12 line summary:- The Common Market was set up for the benefit of the French who have been extremely successful at milking the system for decades. It is a protectionist anti free trade consortium. The EU has done horrible damage to third world countries by dumping subsidised surpluses on the rest of the world so that French farmers can have a comfortable and unchanging lifestyle and the France would avoid becoming ungovernable. The Brussels bureaucracy has told lies and subverted national governments and deliberately and in a Machiavellian way skirted around any democratic scrutiny. What happened to the UK fishing industry is an absolute scandal and an ecological disaster and UK farming is an expendable pawn as far as Brussels is concerned. The mass slaughter of all livestock during the 2000 Foot and Mouth outbreak was because of Brussels and against Vetinary advice. The lies include what a success the Common Market is - growth in the last 25 years has been very significantly less than US and miles behind BRIC countries. The EU cannot survive much beyond 2050 because the demographics of the population cannot pay the pensions and benefits that its French/ Belgian /German citizens currently enjoy.
now you need to research what the uk Parliament and its traditional partys and where its priorities lie.
theres five million of not you? living and paying tax down there. nightmare... it wasnt that long ago that the ratio was nearer 3 to 1 not 10 to 1. and that AC is exactly what i am talking about by one size fits all. thanks for pointing it out.