This forum HAS.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. When this forum goes over 40,000 posts, can you correct the grammar in the "header" at the same time as you update the number of posts?

    Yours, Mr. A. Nal (AKA SH)
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  2. Sorry, you've lost me, but its is early at the moment
  3. The header says "this forum have....". It should say "this forum had....".

    Apologies from pedants corner.
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  4. Don't get me going on spelling and grammar.............

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  5. Right, with you now :tongue: I'll see what I can do
  6. That Hippo is truly stressed! :biggrin: :tongue:
  7. Since we're being pedantic, shouldn't it read 'These fora have' ?
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  8. I really don't like the word 'Lounge' either
  9. Edited for you! Much nicer.
  10. Pfft Gramma nazis ....
    Sorry Grammar stringent police ..?
  11. It should now say "This forum has over 40,000 posts".

    Forum is an acceptable plural in this context. Fora is normally applied to the plural of physical places where folks gather to meet, mingle and discuss various issues.
  12. How about 'Parlour'?:biggrin:
  13. Opium Den ?
  14. kitchen / diner / garage

    there's a forum for garages :rolleyes:
  15. Grammar.... the difference between 'knowing your shit' and 'knowing you're shit'
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  16. Ok I'm shit :)
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  17. Are you Lynne Truss in disguise?
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