Girflriend actually bought me a helmet. Beats socks!!

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by stickywicket, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Nice birthday pressie from the better half, a Shoei 1100 tc4. Method in her madness though as she wanted to get me a helmet to fit the Sena headset in. Now she can tell me which turnings I have missed.:rolleyes:

    Very light and comfortable helmet compared to my older Shoei XR1000. Goes well with the white Mutley too.

  2. Lucky you!

    My girlfriend hates my bike (and has admitted to being jealous of it!) and each year i get "i refuse to buy you anything for that poxy bike" girlfriend please!
  3. lol thank fack mine love's bikes actually jealous of the fact that her bloody 748 is getting more love than my 8 .......or me.......................nice lid matey ,ive got one too
  4. my wife says I can have anything for birthdays or Christmas. Cue big smiles from me and all sorts of plans going on in my little head.

    'But nothing for your bikes.'

    'or your motorbikes.'

    'and no clothes.'

    'and no tools.'

    Oh, ok then. I'll have to think.

    You're so difficult to buy for...

    You've got a nice new hat tho!
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