Secret Santa - is it too late? Where's Paivi?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Dave, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. So - did you get yours?

    Mrs H did but I didn't ... and unfortunately the name and address of our recipients were locked away in Ducatisti PMs so we couldn't send ours out. In fact, given that Ducatisti shut-down on the 10th Dec we hadn't even bought them. If I find out who to send them to I'll happily go shopping though. Just waiting for Paivi to check-in here!
  2. I sent mine after getting hold of Paivi on the Monster forum, I also sent mine out but don't know if it arrived as it was sent via a third party online? Mine was very cool! Hitler didn't get his though, and he wasn't very happy!
  3. LOL :eek:
  4. I sent mine :)
  5. I sent and received mine
  6. Received mine but unfortunately didn't get a chance to send-pressie still sitting there waiting to be posted!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I sent mine, but never got one......but I guess all details were locked up by Ducatistis closure...another thanks to Dan.....
  8. Ditto for me too....
  9. I've still got a list of everybody's Secret Santa victims and their addresses; all you need to do is ask... Either here, UKMOC or FB.
  10. Hi Paivi
    Can you pm me my 'victim' please and I'll post it ASAP.
  11. Me too please Paivi - and Mrs H's victim as well. Thx
  12. Guys, please PM me, instead of posting here, as it makes it obvious to your victim as to who the Santa is...
  13. Doh! :confused:
  14. I hope my Secret Santa is reading this Paivi ! Lol....
  15. I sent mine - and Chloe my Dog got a lovely surprise on Xmas Day morning....!
  16. Welcome and thanks Paivi!
  17. Christmas! Bah Humbug ;)
  18. Me too, it would be nice to know that they recieved it though.

    Oh bless you Paivi still trying to keep the magic of Christmas alive :D
  19. name Suze? Same lemon drizzle cake ? Or is it mole flavoured now ? Lol....
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