To be fair fin, you continually post links from a bloke who runs a Scotland must be independent site, but has refused to live anywhere than England for 13 years. Wings over sumerzet isn't based in Aberdeen hysterical. these organizations where all the goto sources for expert oppinion 5years ago. thats gonna bite them on the bum shortly
yip, but still waiting for you to debunk the debunked, still waiting for you to explain why the guy gets so many publications to print corrections. maybe you can tell us why i should ignore his work because of his location? surely it would then follow that i should ignore a london centric press where much of it is offshored? no?
Have that at ya ahaaaa (pirate accent) in the same report It added that Danish fisheries are “very dependent” on continued access to British waters. Of the total volume of fish unloaded by Danish fishermen in 2012-2016 45 percent came from British waters, a 2017 report showed.
wait what? Debunk the debunked?? Next you will be saying the reverse of the reverse, I knew I should never have sent you that politics for beginners book for Christmas. As to offshored fin, the largest landowner in Scotland, is Danish lives in Denmark ahaaaa, offshore that puppy hombre The eu owns your arse, literally
we both know how you enjoy nerding it all over the press to prove a point, you seem a lil reluctant this time... . a private citizen ownes 20% of scotland and quite literally contributes nothing. do you think he backs the uk tory gov or scot gov? hmm, yer another one of those guido followers aint yah?
Westminster looks like pigs at a trough. Anyone want to look at the expenses account for tonight's vote.
Complete guff. 1. It doesn't remove democracy. It's a vote with a more informed electorate. ie, this isn't what the EU may have as a negotiating position, it's what they have negotiated. How do you feel about it? 2. Making sure people are happy with their decision before they pull the trigger is just common sense. That's why after signing contracts with salesmen you have a period where you are allowed to change your mind. 3. Same as (1) see above. 4. No. Other countries have had multiple referenda on matters that will affect generations to come. As someone mentioned, Ireland for one.
Well plan B has to come within 3 days, since plan A is officially thrashed by 230 votes. Bet May comes out with some crap about how she is going to talk to the EU, delays for another two weeks and offers up the same again.
Did anyone see May's speech following her defeat? A distinct lack of of anything even remotely encouraging. Possibly thats because she has to hand over another billion to Arlene over dinner tonight to avoid the jobcentre tomorrow.