Thats not the issue and no we wont. How did the white man appear to the natives when cook landed on the shores of the indies? I aliens did make an official apperence then the gap between them and us would be even greater, governments would freak out, cilvilians would go crazy, religious zealots would have a field day, there would be pandamonium. People would riot, lute and the the serices would not be able to control the public. It would become a mess. So any intelligent being that could travel space would be smart enough to put in some Recce`s, get intel, and make what ever appropriate action it thought was needed. There are only 2 logical reasons for a alien species to make contact, For peace........or for conquest
Two questions Goody. Did you read my earlier posts ? and Did you understand them ? My personal belief is that it is almost inconceivable that alien life is not out there I know it is a double negative but it is quite clear.
my opinion is we'd miss some good films if we didn't have alien imagination my favourite alien? - probably this one
It's pretty ignorant to assume no alien life forms . I can't really grasp we are the most intelligent thing in the universe .. I reckon they have cameras here and we are like some Jeremy Kyle soap opera to them Maybe they don't like the taste of horsemeat ?
I think it better to assume we are alone, our little rock unique, special and rather precious....So stop chucking ya f'ing shit out yer car window, chav scum bag...!!!
I did John, but then I was reading and replying in order so all I can say is sorry, Il make sure I read all entries before replying just to cross reference against the last. :wink:
Nicely put thats what I was trying to say. I read chariots of the Gods. It was quite beleivable in the beginning but towards the end it wandered off into cuckoo land.
Aristophanes was quite the wag, based on what little I've read (quite a few years ago, too). I think funky is the re-incarnation.
Well, who knows. The quantum universe is a strange place. But if you look at it in purely numerical terms, there are countless billions of stars in each galaxy, billions of galaxies in a cluster, billions of clusters. So the chances of intelligent life are good (probably inevitable) but the chances of them finding us, even assuming they could travel over countless years in their organic lifetimes to get to us, seem to be pretty slim. It would be a little like us turning over every rock on earth in order to find a little green man. You'd need more than a nifty flying saucer. It just seems a little improbable, unless intelligent life is so widespread that it is literally everywhere - which I suppose it could be. But then again, supposing that you had an intelligent civilisation capable of building the technology to get to us, and with an inconceivable lifespan, you'd wonder about resource depletion on their own planet, seeing as they seem to live such a long time. When you talk about light years, you are really talking about the distance light can travel in a year, and light doesn't hang about.
In an infinite universe there is ample opportunity for a sufficiently advanced race to develop an artificial reality so complex, so detailed, it would be indistinguishable from a "base reality" to the people "living" in it - say, people like us. Greetings, Programmes!
And naturally, in an infinite universe, some idiot would want to. The thing is, is the universe infinite, or is it just very big?
Call me an unimaginative old fuckwit, but I just can't understand the concept of a bordered infinite universe. If it has an edge, doesn't that mean there is something outside it for it to expand into? Er.... It is sometimes thought of an an inflating balloon, with everything getting increasingly further from everything else, but a balloon has a skin or edge, and it is clearly not infinite. Is Prof. Brian Cox a Ducati owner? He could come in handy here.
And thats something that always crosses my mind when scientists talk of the big band and the universe expanding, cos surely there has to be some "void" in which it is filling on its expansion. But none of them ever touch on this........I wonder why. At least on of them somewhere must have considered it, once, for a second.