To be fare James came across as a cock - there was nothing in there to say he won anything with his bullying tactics
Fin, you will have no meps after March, the new mep ratios have been allocated for 2019 and the uk's seats have been allocated to various other countries so that's it, no other seats to dig out. Were you to leave the U.K. and then join the eu( still means you sold the scots a lie on independence) which one of these countries do you think should give up seats to give to Scotland?
yeah? tell me about us having to join the euro. whats the convergence criteria?. mate i would be prepared to use the tatty scone as a currency the way the pound is sure to go.
i am gonna tell the truth and make like a brexiteer. hunners and hunners of them. and i will be president.
Dam, that means I will have to be your chief advisor (Loz will fill in during my holidays - 51 weeks a year)
thats alright, you will just do what you have become accustomed to, bend over, and take it like a man. an old washed up man that is.
nufink, stuffing my face with beans on toast. i'm always at my happiest when eating beans and watching brexiteers and kippers become toast.
Nope. You are confusing the UK with The House of Commons (& Lords for that matter) But I agree with your assessment for that lot.
That works on using proper money, none of this euro trash you will be using fin. Mind you it is funny watching people other than Scothlanders trying to change Scottish notes