I still wear tapered leg Levi's , only because you can't get super tapers anymore As a teenager me and me mates would have to sew ourselves into our tapers, had Winklepicker shoes as well, all good until you pulled, you try shagging in a car with your jeans 1/2 way down :biggrin:
My secrets out! Thats just reminded me, I used to wear the Lycra shorts to the gym, not sure why, or those baggy cotton long trousers with multi coloured stripes Glad there were no cameras around then My sisters got some pretty scary photos from my younger days, glad she doesn't share them much
I have a pic with some nice mirror sunnies & a west bromwich albion t shirt somewhere to - might have to dig the photo album out later
One of my ex's was 6ft 8 with hair down his to his bum... Black jeans so tight I still don't recall how he got them on and off he had size 14 feet .. I'm 5ft 1... it was fun!!!! And yes girls adored him mind you he was a total tart! Last time I saw him hes younger then me. He was in a suit and striped shirt and pretty short hair with a miserable face and miserable looking older woman who was his Mrs .... He looked so fed up!! He spoke to me and said you'd have never made me cut my hair. She basically turned him into the man she wanted .... Also made him sell his guitar. He was so miserable looking. I say more fool him for letting her !!!! This is why I'm not married !! Even if I was again you take me as I am pink hair and all .. Or leave thanking you!!! Good on your mate Funky!!!
I used to buy my clothes from rubber / PVC fetish shops online .. I'd go to sainsburys in a rubber mini skirt 5 inch heels hair like a skyscraper and enough eyeliner and lipstick to paint the black hole of calcutter. Did I care no .. I also used to hang around Kensington market posing .. But I was then I tiny little pretty thing. Then I got hooked up and although I kept everything Had black hair since 18 Mostly. Eyeliner always .. Pregnancy really ravished me badly Boy was I furious despite me being down the gym all the time. Now I'm just a short fat gothy biker girl. But I would never change I am what I am I appeal to 1% of the population of men but I am me ... In my new rocks stripey socks and short jeans I'm a fashion disaster !!! But I'm me ... Stuff what people think.
Sadly there are no pictures of my mohican. It was a beauty, too. But a lack of sleep (didn't want to crush it...) and serious opposition from my parents meant it only lasted a few weeks. A good 4" it was, but it got downgraded to a grade 0 crew cut to keep the peace. Not exactly perfect timing, either, as it coincided with (a) me getting a proper road legal moped, and (b) a round of job interviews to get me out of school. An overriding memory of the time was hitting a pigeon on the way to a job interview in Dorking; I turned up for the interview with the aforementioned haircut and a fetching brown suit, covered in blood and feathers and still shaking slightly from the bike/bird interface. I didn't get the job. Thereafter I played it safe with kung fu slippers and lime green baggies...
Lycra shorts have become very popular gym wear again, as have their swimming twin 'jammers' Mind you, jammers can be considered as pro fashion rather than a crime against it if the other option is a pair of speedos. Depending on the time of day you hit the pool around here, about 75% of all blokes, regardless of age will be in jammers. Baggies are for 'family swim time' only, all other times the jammers rule the water. A serious swimmer wouldnt be seen dead in anything baggy
They used to let you buy a 50p spectators ticket at the pool I swam at just make sure you check the pool temp before you go in and pay 50p!