cheap ass sat navs?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by speno, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. I bought a dirt cheap Becker sat nav from Tesco years back for something like £80 when most were £300+. Had it for years, drowned it 3 times but it just wouldn't die, and it got me all over Europe without ever putting a foot wrong. As long as I live you will never convince me that a bike-specific £500 satnav is actually worth that money when anything under £100 will do the job just as well.
  2. Oh get lost then !!!
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  3. I've got a Garmin Nuvi you could have for £30 plus postage or collection, Grantham, comes with in car charger but no holder. Maps are over a year old but still works ok.

  4. i bought the cheap ass one mr soup.but thanks for the offer,plus i goota tell fig how the cheap ass gets on,but ta mate.
  5. No worries. How did you get on with my bro in-law?

    Engineers are a strange brew, he being typical, so I hope you got a reply.

  6. no reply mate,lol we are a strange lot ;) but thanks for the tip,cheers SOUP! ;)
  7. Mr Soup I blew mine up .. It went all squiggly and died ...
    Is yours still for sale it's for my car.
    If so I'd love it!!
  8. You have a pm
  9. That'll do me fine :) just as long as all roads don't lead to Felixstowe :)
  10. it worked a treat fig,plus its got loads of stuff on it like,well everything!.tv,e books,films,radio, and so on,great bit of kit!,and only 31 quid new..........
  11. I may have to get me one of them then:upyeah:
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