1299 1299fe Versus V4 Speciale

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by carson, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. I've got my 1299S up for sale at the minute which I don’t really want to sell but it’ll help fund another non bike related project and keep the mrs happy. It also means that I can get something else I really fancy when it’s completed.

    I’ve always fancied a 1299FE since seeing one at the TT but recently starting to really like the V4 speciale. There’s not much between them cost wise so which would you go for and why?
  2. You can still get new FE's too...
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  3. You're bang on the money for a V4R there Rob. That's what I'd go for. Better still the Gen 2... I don't think the FE or the speciale are all that special. An R's an R...
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  4. Proper 1199R gen 2 or the V4 IMHO.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  5. Yeah, the Panigale R would make my shortlist. I was having a look at @Exige R when it was at Cornerspeed recently. Noice!
  6. Has he got one? :eek: I'm surprised there are any bikes left for the rest of us. o_O
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Seen you have for sale couple of bikes on the R1 forum as well.
    It depends what are you after.
    Looks? 1299FE that looks like a a proper WSB/BSB bike with those pipes.
    Performance? V4Speciale
    Your monies, your choice..
  8. Whichever bike you get you will LOVE IT lol.
    ive ordered and payed for a V4R BUT have decided not to take delivery of it.
    Im waiting to wait till they take my trousers down again with V4R/SL.
    Which as we all know they will do lol.
    The V4R is a great bike but its NOT special enough for me as they will be making more than 500 of them.
    For me i like a R-VERSION bike to be limited to 500 or less.
    If your NOT worried about numbers and limited bikes then V4R all the way.
  9. Problem is I’m not a fan of the plain red V4. I just haven’t taken to the looks at all yet, but the V4 Speciale looks great
  10. Yeah I’ve got a 5PW R1 and old Gixer 600 SRAD for sale too
  11. It’s just a paint job which at least 2 dealers have done to the V4S. Andy
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  12. Agree, it’s amazing what a paint scheme can do :upyeah:
  13. Don't sell the SRAD. You'll only get a grand. Will be worth loads in 20 years. Think RD350. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. @Exige , do you actually agree with that????

    It's why I'm refusing to sell mine.
  15. Maybe not LC like increases but they will go up, more like X7 prices in comparison perhaps :thinkingface:
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  16. @carson have you not thought about the V4S Corse? looks lovely and is 10k cheaper than the Speciale and R and you could put some dosh towards that awesome Termignoni system and other trick bits...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Original blue and white 750 should. They sold loads but most ended on track, street fighters or generally ruined.
  18. I’ve seen a few and to be honest they’re becoming really common now and not my cuppa
  19. I’ll take a grand for it now
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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