
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Manflu - The Truth - YouTube

    check it out and be prepared for the horror

    any wives that doubt the manflu horror we can now show them this

    i can only pray noone falls to thisinfection.
  2. I think that should be shown as part of a schools curriculum, they just don't know what we have to go through
  3. ...only getting 7-8 hours sleep a night - flares up when he has to take the bins out - cracking stuff
  4. Take one of these

  5. char char just dont understand.
  6. I always knew it was debilitating. There are lots of us brave little soldiers out there.

    Char, that medication is a cruel hoax, there is no cure other than time, rest and sympathy.
  7. same comment to Ducbird.

    Come on girls, surely seeing Mary's reaction to Joe's awful experience must make you realise the seriousness of this dreadful disease.
  8. Oh I don't know - 18 degrees . Sunny . Dry . Wife out the way?
  9. No sorry
    Try having a baby man flu is easy in comparison
  10. But you heard what Mary said, I believe her.
  11. I caught a flu type virus from my wife in Jan 2011,she recovered,I didn't.Two weeks later I had to stop work due to pain and fatigue.I havn't worked since and had to retire.I used to do heavy landscaping work and now I can not do much without suffering for it.It took a year for me to find out that the virus had screwed up my central nervous system.The way my body reacts to pain,temperature,taste.smell and lots of other things,causes me a lot of pain and anguish.Also affects the way my brain functions.
    There is no cure or medicine,and my doctor has recently told me not to look back at what I could do,but look forward with as much optimism as possible.
    Luckily my lovely wife and family look out for me.If I am having a reasonable day,in my terms that is,my wife will encourage me to go out on the SF.She knows it will cheer me up even though I can only do short runs.
    If I overdo it I end up with even more pain and it ratchets up to another level.
    Just goes to show what life can throw at you.I try to be optimistic as I know my wife feels very guilty about my suffering and I don't want her to hear me moaning.Perhaps I will get a run out sometime this week in the sunshine?
    #14 mervyn, Mar 2, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2013
  12. Mary looks as sick as hubby
    I would kick his arse and send him packing
    I can put my own bins out thanks
  13. sorry Mervyn I hope this didn't offend, this was meant to be lighthearted fun whereas what happened to you has been life changing. I look forward to catching up sometime this summer and i can always come over your way if it helps.
  14. Hi Chris.No I wasn't offended.Just feeling a bit low at the moment
  15. Sorry to hear that merv have a ducbird hug
  16. Lets all pop over and see merv and grab a cuppa and if your feeling ok come out for a ride mate
    • Like Like x 2
  17. I look forward to catching up with you when we have a bit of warmth.Thanks for your offer to come over my way,much appreciated.
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