There won't be any pictures as I don't own a camera, and thanks, I'll need the luck, I'm unfit and overweight and haven't been on the bike for over 7 months, so probably not the best idea to go for an 8 hour hard offroad ride, it'll probably kill me but I do enjoy it (afterwards, at the time I wonder what the fuck I am doing there), and if I'm unlucky and get hurt I will get a free Helicopter ride, so it's not all bad. This is the type of country we will be riding......
So it was your girlfriend who took your avatar picture, thought you’d used a selfie stick, if you’ll pardon the pun! Looks challenging enough, good luck, try not to fall off and do tell us all how you got on.
I will try not to fall off, but it won't happen, I'm always on me arse wondering "how did that happen?" Worse still, it's been raining for a couple of days, and forecast to rain until Sunday, so it'll be slipperier than a Butchers Prick.
Today I fitted a fire door, three mortice locks with handles, trimmed the bottom off tree doors now the carpets have been fitted, came home at dinner time and watched Daily Politics on TV. Steve
Steve,Are you available to fit a drawbridge at the houses of parliament PDQ, apparently there's trouble ahead
I’m not sure if I’ll qualify as my Irish heritage proceeds the present guidelines. I’ll contact the embassy directly to confirm.