akrapovic Titanium... hmmm...

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by kope999R, Feb 27, 2013.

    • Like Like x 2
  1. That's art !
  2. that looks like some seriously good manufacturing.
  3. 6,9 kg so 3,5 kgs lighter then stock termi... quit a saving if this is correct.. don't think the bhp gain over the full termi system will be much different. from what is to be seen the new mapping have brought the same improvements on midrange..
  4. Gotta love Akro welds.
  5. Are all Termis welded by trainee college kids in Bologna?

    Cos the welds on all the Termis I have ever seen look appalling when compared to Akras!?
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  6. Looks awesome. They even managed to design a good looking heatshield... although it doesn't look like it does much of shielding ;)
  7. Effin gorgeous! I'm a firm believer in the engineering saying 'If it looks right, it usually is' And that looks right....
  8. Just like Concorde !
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  9. This is a very nice looking exhaust. The quality is much better than the Termignoni and it's a shame the Termi exhaust for the Panigale is no where near the same quality as the full system I have on my 1098R Bayliss.
    #10 flyer47, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013

  10. Thats right. An iconic spectacularly successful contribution to aviation....
  11. Always had Akrapovic, either full systems or bolt-ons on my previous bikes and the quality was always stunning
  12. They always seem to do a good job - Looks mint
  13. Are the Akro,s in the uk yet.as they are stupid money from the United States
  14. Back in the early 70's I actually made some parts for concorde.... Lightweight tubes for the seat ventilation systems! The same company also made heated titanium tubes for the fuel system.
  15. Posted a thread somewhere about the amazing Akra welding against the dross that is Termi's. That system is blurdy lovely and I would have that on the living room wall ! Akra use women welders, apparently they have better attention to detail ! There was an article in performance bikes or superbike some time ago when they went to the factory.
  16. It's nice I agree as all Akras are! But it's is £3,600.00! last time I looked plus correction to afr/mapping etc.
  17. And 'only' £2500 for the termi
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