British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. The MP's resign their jobs at election time, they can't really be sacked from the same job. Though May says she doesn't want an election at all but given her past record on that it would be stupid to believe her. You always know when May is lying, its everytime her lips move.
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  2. We obviously aren’t taking enough notice of the BBC and Sky :)
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  3. So if there was a GE it would be to vote for the same politicians ?
    Pointless then, I for one can’t think of any of them that I’d vote for.
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  4. Says the guy happily living in an EU country. If this attitude is indeed prevallent (big if imo) surely you would want Irelend to leave too as surely it is valued similarly?
  5. The EU being bad for the UK and good for Ireland is theoretically possible.

    In practice though ... no. Ireland must escape and asap : o )
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Were you expecting all 650 MP's to quit politics if a no coinfidence/ Gen Election vote passed?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. No, but I am now!
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  8. That’s a bit much to ask isn’t it ?

    Perhaps just the ones that have said they’ll do something to get elected and not done it ?
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  9. So just the Conservatives then? I think I might be able to go along with that. All the others are not able to make the decisions.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. That could make it more interesting.
    If the rules were changed to say, you promised to do this and haven’t so you’re sacked.
    What would labour do if they were in power though ?
  11. I think you need to check the UKs accounts.

    Scotland gets more per head than the U.K. average because it contributes more tax per head than average.

    It’s the other way around.
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  12. good luck getting the uk accounts, the scot gov have been asking to see them for twelve years
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Only cos you guys excel at Monopoly.

    An independent assessor would see things differently (and stop you cheating with the dice rolls).
  14. Perhaps you should vote for them and find out? After eight years you should have a good idea of what the Conservatives are like. What great achievement have they done for us?
  15. Kept Corbyn and his motley crew out is a good one surely?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Sometimes, it's Government's job to do nothing at all.

    /unpopular opinion
  17. I am a fan of aspects of the EU, I like the concept of a large single trading block both for ease of intra-community trading and for collectively negotiating on the world stage. Up until the late 90's I liked how the EU had evolved for the collective good of European countries since the end of WWII. IMO things started to change around that time as a consequence of the Maastricht Treaty and I didn't like the idea of a single currency and I'm glad the UK remained out of the Euro. I further don't like the way sovereignty is being gradually stripped away from member states, nor do I like the fact there appears to be a cohort at senior levels across Europe pushing for a Federal Republic of European States.

    As was mentioned on the previous Brexit thread the way the EU has acted in these negotiations has been aimed at solely upholding the EU 'project'. If one country leaves, what's to stop others leaving and then the whole edifice of the EU starts to crumble and its weight on the world stage reduces. This, at all costs, the EU wants to avoid but to hear it so blatantly as set out by MB should be eye-opening for many (see post 730 above).

    Should Ireland leave too? Quite possibly. Sure, Ireland and the GFA and the spectre of a hard border has been used by the EU as a big stick in the negotiations, not for the benefit of Ireland as a member state but for the benefit of the EU and making it difficult for anyone to leave the club and I'm sure even the politicians here realise that. The geography and political history of this island have played into the EU's hands. Would Ireland leave? I doubt it very much, regardless of my views on the ultimate aims of the EU technocrats, Ireland has been a massive net beneficiary of being part of the 'club' I doubt very much if a majority of the population would vote to leave.

    Ireland doesn't have the economic power to leave a club like the EU and stand on it's own 2 feet. Politicians know this and thus would never propose an Eirexit. Ireland has always been hanging on the coat tails of the UK and when the UK leaves the EU Ireland will find an Irish solution to an Irish problem and continue to hang onto the coat tails of both the EU and the UK.

    As for me living here, that's a lifestyle choice facilitated by the Common Travel Area as much as freedom of movement within the EU. (The CTA has always existed between Ireland and the UK and will remain post Brexit). This is regardless of my ability to get dual Irish/UK citizenship and is open to anyone who holds a UK passport. There's nothing to stop any UK passport holding Remainer, who feels strongly enough about leaving the EU, from relocating to Ireland and thus continue to live in the EU whilst being a UK citizen.
    #22877 West Cork Paul, Jan 24, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2019
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  18. Well in that case the current crowd have failed. They have increased debt, lawlessness, homlessness, child poverty to name but a few. Though thinking about it, did you mean "Sometimes, it's Government's job to do nothing useful at all save for keeping their snouts in the trough"?
  19. Ireland doesn't have the economic power to leave a club like the EU and stand on it's own 2 feet. Politicians know this and thus would never propose an Eirexit. Ireland has always been hanging on the coat tails of the UK and when the UK leaves the EU Ireland will find an Irish solution to an Irish problem and continue to hang onto the coat tails of both the EU and the UK.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Why?
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