no time or inclination (or spell check on this computer) to go into it.after years of researching our own issues up here, i'm more innclined to believe they, like all countries that have gained their independence from the uk gov as succeedding, despite the actions of the uk. its a deep ingrained belief thats been promoted over the decades that everywhere is to small to poor to dumb to go it alone.
I was actually directly referencing an idea behind your post here: I would argue, unpopularly I have no doubt, that it is not for government to achieve great things at all. It is for people, citizens, to achieve great things and it is government's job to stay out of the way of that. I understand that this view will attract little positive attention in a UK-based forum. I realise that I am flying in the face of the British collectivist spirit.
I really have no idea who I would vote for if there was a GE. what great achievements have any of them done in recent history ?
I’m a UKer and I’d agree with that, I’m not sure politicians would though - surely they want to be remembered for having done ‘great things’ ?
I didn’t really mean for the two comments to be linked. But - if we have a non-Interfering, non-fuckup gov they why have them at all ?
Protection from foreign enemies is the first and only real requirement for a central government. After that, all roles are negotiable. I would argue that there is a happier middle ground between ultra-minimalist government and what we have now, in the UK. I expect to persuade precisely no one though, here on the forum. I understand, really I do : o )
Some of us remainers already knew that the EU has a hard border around it, and that if the UK was to leave then they would not be treated differently. This isn't a surprise, nor have the EU "owned up". It was obvious from the outset.
When you say "obvious from the outset", do you also mean "lied about by the EU from the outset"? Asking for a friend who was lied to by the EU from the outset.
So UK cannot exit, regardless of anything it does, because of GFA. And yet UK Govt get blamed for wanting a hard border...and we are not controlled by Brussels Tune. Changed. Remainers. By. Make of that what you will