Depends on the numbers... They buy much more than we buy from them, but what %age of the economy is it? 0.001%? 0.01%? 10%? 75%? It makes a massive difference! Secondly, "free trade" deals usually come at a price; freedom of movement or services, for example. What else gets bundled in with this free trade deal? Even the free trade deal we (currently) have with the EU comes at a price (the four pillars) that cannot be separated. But we also get extra vetos and things like that as well... So will we be expected to increase the number of visas that we grant to allow more immigrants in, as a result of this free trade deal? I'm only asking because if I was somewhere like India, or the DRC and was approached by the UK to do a "free trade deal" then I'd be tempted to ask for a massive (and I mean *massive*!) increase in the number of visas granted. And anyway, what is the output of this other country? Do they offer life-saving medicines that we couldn't just manufacture within our own existing free trade area instead? Maybe we can do an incentive deal by bunging them a load of cash to move their headquarters into our area so we get it anyway? Or is it shit that we really don't need? It's all in the details...
I thought you'd done your research? The issue of the Eire/NI border was obvious from the outset for anyone that knew about the GFA, or was paying attention. But hey, call it EU lies if you want or would you have preferred it written on the side of a bus?
I'm note sure that I, or anyone else, has said that; but happy for you to provide a source? It's not my problem to solve (thank fuck!) but you won, so get over it
I admire the high level of consistency you offer in the direction of being incorrect The eu and remainers when mentioning the Irish border, consistently said that a wto free trade would see a hard border but continued to imply, despite uk government assurances, that the hard border would be on the border, ergo the U.K. would be having one So unless we build a hard border tight on the border line, then saw it in half and throw the U.K. hard border in the bin leaving just the Irish half hard border, you can see how silly it becomes. The eu has a hard border around it because it is a protectionist gated organisation. The good friday agreement signed by the U.K. and Irish parliament, superceed's, the eu's wish for a commercial trade boundry so this gives the eu an out. They do not want to take it because as many have said before, Ireland is not a concern for the eu, using Ireland to control and try and keep the U.K. in the eu in some way, is. The eu and the eu only, will force the Irish government to break the good friday agreement and have a hard border on the republics side. A key part here that is often forgotten or deliberately used by extreme remainers. We the people of the U.K. used democracy to say we wish to leave the eu. What the eu does after we leave is down to them, not us. The eu commission or the other 27 are not putting the U.K. first so why should we tailor our vote to suit them? We voted out, that is all we have asked for.
You are spouting EU rules at me FFS! - you are a bad leader. No expectations - just the deal biased to the commercial advantage of your 'block' with further possibilities of helping each other to create world peace of course (why are you putting clauses in to 'rule' this potential new partner) can you not forget where the last 50 years have taken us and answer a simple question instead of all the flannel And please forget business, this was a political question - you are not in charge of business decision dude... business looks after itself
Exactly ! And as far as the law is concerned, at the time of writing, that is exactly what we are going to have. This is the law we have passed. The EU is under no obligation to do anything. It’s only that undesirable British since of entitlement, too many people in the U.K. have, that makes them think that we are somehow automatically deserving of something better.
Tosh The eu is under no obligation to do anything?? Perhaps not insisting the Irish republic will have to have a hard border on the Irish side as they have said many times, surely they wouldn't lie to their eu partner? I think you are confusing the two sir, no sense of entitlement, we used democracy and obtained a majority vote for the direction of the U.K. Whatever the eu does and insists it's members do is not our business. We have established and the eu commissions has confirmed it, that the eu and only the eu, will force Ireland to have a hard border, leaving Ireland in direct contradiction to the Irish government signed, good friday agreement. The British for their part will maintain their obligation under the gfa of no hard border on the U.K. side.
I was thinking that. They are interviewing companies that are saying about how bad it will be if it’s a no deal. Surely companies that will be affected by a no deal Brexit haven’t left it this late to prepare ? Or were they confident the government could achieve the remain outcome they all seem to desire ?
But political decisions are made on the bigger question of being of benefit for the entire country, so all the details ARE important...
You Silly Billy!!! Oh, great deal, lets add loads of other stuff that they won't like (mmm, like we want to own them and change their currency and change their laws and open their borders - yes, lets shoot ourselves in the foot and scupper this wonderful deal we could have ) Can you see where you are going wrong with your leadership skills now
May keeps saying ‘what the people voted for’ Is she going for sympathy when she announces ‘I tried so hard, but because of (reason tba) we just can’t leave’ (With tears in her eyes no doubt)
Your last point is correct - they all thought the Remain option would win, so they did nothing. Now they are scared sh*tless like all the other soppy Remainers because they actually think it might be No Deal Brexit. But as I said before, it won't happen anyway - all the Govt are trying to do is find a way out of the sh*thole they got themselves into without causing major unrest. It is typical of this Govt and many previous, that nothing gets thought through, let alone properly - so when Cameron announced a referendum, someone made up some ballot papers with Leave or Remain on them, but nobody in Govt thought what the consequences might be, particularly if it was a Leave win - which they didn't expect either, so as usual politicians were caught with their pants down and once again they are going to shaft the public.
We should go for the general election, vote Corbyn in and we could have an economic union with Russia, Cheap vodka and caviar plus best mafia in the world