left the hotel at 6.30 this morning to spend the day travelling home. Now 7.00 pm, in car on way home ... should be there by 7.30.. thirteen hours door to door All that for a 90 minute meeting The world is totally daft
My worse one was fly back from China to Heathrow (after being in China 2 weeks) - shuttle bus to car - swap luggage - back to airport - flight to Atlanta - there was snow when I arrived - then a 15 mile drive took nearly 12 hours - then an 8 hour meeting - the following day - then back to UK via Atlanta.. luckily the return to the airport was just around an hour...
Had a walk up to the garage to book the van in for an MOT, walking back I had to pass my local, ( which is a pub not a ducati garage @XH558 ) called in for a pint but finished up having three. Steve
Arrived back in the UK to rain and cold temperatures having left clear blue skys and not quite so cold temperatures (although still chilly). Driving back from Gatwick around 4:30pm isn’t my best organising timing but we’re home. I see it’s only 7:40pm but it feels like 10:00pm. I think electric blanket on for an hour and then early bed. Tomorrow is another day ........ Costco here we come Andy
Time to give alcohol a rest after the last 4 days excesses. Been great fun and got spoilt rotten by Carole and the Hotel. Andy
Last week installed steel reinforced concrete ring beam on garage wall, in preparation for 1st floor build. Framing for ring beam Steel reinforcement. This week, all roof joists installed.
Printed off more documents/bureaucracy to do with our house sale that needs to be completed before I go to the Alps this weekend