All this guff is exactly why most switched on leavers wanted wto/free trade announced from the beginning. We knew the eu would behave like a child and would seek to ruin/control the U.K. after voting to leave. What has surprised me is just how many remainers would want to stay in a relationship with an abusive partner
Apparently that would entail breaking up the UK&NI. Are you sure that a better solution wouldn't be an arrangement tailored for the the specific circumstances of the GFA which leaves the UK intact? I'm sure our friends in Europe don't wish to see the UK broken up or bathed in bloodshed, over this matter. I mean, what kind of friends would want that? There's Leaving the EU courses now? I thought colleges were all Media Studies and Unicorn Gender Sciences! Colour me Rose Madder Shocked!
Sssh, finderman. You guys voted to stay with the abusive partner, you get what you asked for. Now go and fetch me a beer.
I think you are expecting too much from the Withdrawal Agreement, as defined by the Lisbon Treaty. Future trading relationships are a different matter
Yeah, but I have no time for the Ulster Bigots. So quite happy to sell them down the river. That aside, they are stopping what most leavers want, and even though that’s not my preferred option I think it’s wrong that the tail is wagging the dog.
Tell you what. Once the EU has agreed to whatever solution is reached for the Leaver/GFA, you raise a call for new solution to the Irish issue to be found. I like your thinking but - one thing at a time, I reckon!
I'm quite realistic, I know that wto/freetrade will give us around 3 years of rebuilding but...much of that rebuilding would happen anyway no matter what the outcome other than remain. The Lisbon treaty is another example of why leaving the eu control is a must, I prefer democratic majority votes rather than the eu telling us no, that's not the vote we wanted, vote again. Future relationships are just that and leaving gives us the best ability to garner deals that best suit the uk rather than deals with such varying needs as the other 27. As to the ulster biggotts as you call them, sinn fein have 7 westminster seats and if the irish issue was as important to them as they claim, they would take their seats, but they won't and never mind historic killers wanting to not take a seat, at least the dup are turning up and fighting for northern ireland. We are making our decisions, what the eu forces the other 27 to do afterwards is their business.
Make NI a crown dependencie then they are still part of U.K. but can make up laws n stuff so then they can decide what sort of border they want with Southern Ireland
Funny how the republic and the eu have gone on about the gfa whilst ignoring it completely themselves. The gfa forbids the hard borders of old such as military checkpoints, something the republic agreed to but tonight that silly puppet varadkar whilst in Davos, said a wto/free trade agreement, could see armed police and armed forces manning security checkpoints. He clearly has forgotten the gfa in favour of his eu masters The video on the independent is more from his mouth
They do. There are still CDOs (Collateralised Debt Obligations) in existence and CDOs Squared (CDOs of CDOs) and CDOs cubed (CDOs of CDOs squared). 'If you can bundle it up, spread the risk and sell it on for a profit then do it' is still a mantra within investment banks and the arms of consumer banks that play at investment banks. The debt that bought the world crashing down in 2008 is still not fully expunged. Far from it.
Politics!. Take no notice of it. The public have only seen an edited extract of the full interview due to the way the media like to portray things, and Mary Lou and Michael (pronounced Mi-hall) Martin have jumped on it to score political points rather than pulling together - tosspots.
Perhaps, sadly it's the politicians that are causing the trouble rather than respect the vote. That said, there is no way old Vlad didn't know what he was saying or how it would be interpreted as. They still do not understand the U.K. if they think project fear works, the more they push, the more the determination is to go wto and free trade We largely don't care what the republic does on their side. As long as we stick the the gfa and no hard borders of old on the U.K. side, then we are playing with a straight bat. If Vlad wants to bring back checkpoints patrolled with the army on the republics side then more fool him. I'm rather disappointed that he would stoop so low to be honest but not surprised
At the moment, until I can research it further, I'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. I think his comments have been taken out of context, but then as a seasoned politician he should be well aware that happens. The view, this side of the water, is no hard border despite what Junkers/Tusk/Margaritas or anyone else in the EU says. The GFA says no hard border and the Republic is sticking to that.
Interesting idea, timing would make it look like a sell out for N.I. so I see it as a non starter. If it did happen the snp would demand the same right and then you see the U.K. split up, ideal for the snp and sinn fien who lets face it, aren't the full ticket anyway
I think this is based mostly on facts, From day one the U.K. government has said, no return to the borders of old. The eu however has said there will need to be a hard border and vlad has said it might need to be staffed with armed forces personnel On just comments alone, the U.K. is the only one in the party of three who has consistently said no hard border or implied otherwise. Vlad needs to be very careful how he plays this.