Aliens and UFO...everyone has an opinion so here`s a question for all to read!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Goody, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Would anyone dare to admit they have seen something odd up in the skies ?

    Here come the anal probe stories ;)

  2. Hmmm...I've got a couple of anal probe stories courtesy of French and Belgian they count? felt pretty alien to me,anyway...:eek::redface:
    #82 Lightning_650, Mar 2, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  3. I ain't never seen nuffink.

    I wish I had (it would be interesting) but I haven't.

    It's strange that for most people, UFO = aliens. A UFO, just being an Unidentified Flying Object, is just that: unidentified. But people immediately identify it as an alien space craft. Weird.
  4. Throughout those 13.7 billion years I would guess that the cycle of life has been repeated many times due to mass extinctions. The Universe is a very violent place.
    A long time in the future the sun will become a supernova first, i believe, and take out most of the planets. Do you think we will still be around then or worked out a way to get away.

    I just can't understand/grasp/accept that somebody would take all that time and trouble and expense to travel to another world and not introduce yourself. If you just want to look at them send a probe. Its no different to Christopher Columbus and the new world he didn't just nip over for a look and then bugger off home. Its not about the journey its waht you do when you get there.

    I believe there will be other forms of intelligent life out there and that maybe they can travel to other planets. They may be so intelligent and nice that they won't bother with planets that have life like ours on it maybe they just visit those at the Dinosaur stage
  5. If I went to the trouble and expense of travelling to a far of world I would be looking for fresh meat when I got there.
  6. Yyyyy you do not want explorers like Columbus and Spanish to show up here. First they arrive in advanced ships, exchange trinkets, eat your food next they wipe you out for resources they need you have.

    Remember resources on every planet will finish at one stage. Add to that growth of population and there will be no choice but to expand. Same will happen to us if we survive that long. Often 2nd kind found out about new places to plunder from 1st one's.

    That means there are two types of aliens out there. Those super nice who are kind off like our explorers/scientists. They go, observe, study but do not interfere and go back home. There was plenty of people like that in earth history.
    However there is also 2nd type of Aliens. Pop in shoot first take your resources later. No talking, no questions.
    There was plenty of people like that in earth history, more then first kind.
  7. 1998-99ish I was about 17. At a mates house in the garden in the summer. There were 3 others.

    I notice a plane going by over head but what caught my eye was that something small was following closely. The plane was a passenger plane, im not a spotter so know idea what type but it was a standard size plane you would go to hols in.
    It wasnt at cruising altitude and we could visibly make out the size of the engines, not detail of them but clearly distinguish them. Now this small object that was following the plane was the size of one of the engines. I said in astonishment to my mates to turn and look, which they did and for 20 minutes or so we all watched as this object moved about from the rear to the front, underneath, both sides of the plane.
    And then what made it stranger was that the plane started to change its flight path and begun to bank upward, very fast and very steeply. It climbed almost straight up for a while and as it did, the object followed and spiraled around the plane. Then the plane dipped its nose down got back on its original course and carried on. After it had gotten back on direction, to which the object had followed all the time, it simply went off, not fast in a zip, but at the same steady pace at an angle that was away from us and slightly upward.
    We stood and watched as slowly it got further and further away until we could not see it anymore. When I say away I mean, not as in like a plane flying around the globe I mean as in going out of the atmosphere away.
    We all watched for something on the news or a mention on the radio, but not a single word was spoken about it.

    The thing that made us think was, 1. what small man made craft can fly at those speeds at that height and could maneuver the way it did around the plane? 2. why would it want and need and be allowed to fly up to a passenger plane in the air and fly so very close while buzzing about and around the plane? 3. Why would the plane, with or without passengers, suddenly perform a climb that looks like the sort of thing a fighter jet would do?

    If you saw it you would know, the way this small object moved around the plane, we have no craft that can do what it did.
    Im pretty sure no planes are allowed to fly into another airspace. I mean it was wing tip distance away from the body of the plane as it moved from rear, front and sides as well as when it circled around during the climb. Thats how we could gauge the size as similar to the engine size, cos it was so close.
    And Im guessing there is no reason unless evasive maneuvers would a passenger plan do that kind of change in direction. It was steeper than the initial climb after take off, almost 12 o`clock straight up.

    Now you can think what you like, you can dismiss it, call me a bullshiter, whatever makes you happy. Im not after money or fame, im just saying what I saw exactly as I saw it. I dont know what to think really, but actually seeing it, I know it wasnt something that was planed to happen, and whatever the small object was, it wasnt man made. Im glad that I had some friends to see it with me cos its was kinda nice to have others share the moment and I know I wasnt seeing things, it actually happened.
    #87 Goody, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  8. Must be aliens
    Its the only possible explanantion
  9. Ar the arrogance of the human race. Awesome.
  10. How do you know these things?? How do you know it wasnt planned?? Why would they abject have to planned to be there?? You may assume it wasnt man made, so its only a guess...

    The stratosphere is absolutley peppered with satellites...tens of thousands of many, that they cause problems when considering space launches..

    Most UFO sightings are usually satellites skimming the earths atmosphere, or the debris from decomissioned satellites burning up..

    There have been several nearly intact satellites crashing into the Australian outback and on the plains of Africa.

    Furthermore, there are thousands of weatherballoons and other such objects, plus the effect of the earths air..when the weather is wamr is alters the refractive index and reflections etc give an optical illusion of being their when their light is bent through moving air mass (like heat shimmer on tarmac, or looking at an object underwater...this usually explains a it.

    Because you dont know what you saw, the automatic conclusion isnt little green could be, but other explanations are far more likely.
  11. If your gonna quote me, stick to what I wrote. I never talked about balloons and satellites so why make out that what i saw could be explained by that. May well be the case in some instances, granted. So dont quote and then say ya bit. Just reply.

    As I wrote, I dont know what it was. I didnt say it was little green men. It was as some people on this thread have said. a UFO as in exactly that. It was flying, it was an object and guess what....yep its was not identified as something known ie unidentified.

    Like I wrote. I have witnesses, visibility was perfect, and what I said we saw IS exactly that. If you were to see something like that you would have to be a retard to think it was a weather balloon or planed. Fine, you werent there, and you dont know me to know that I dont talk shit. But what I saw was as real as to you now reading this. It happened.

    Your quick to make your own assumptions about something you did not witness. If you had, then like me you would know that the action of the passenger plane was not normal, we dont have planes that maneuver the way this did, and there would be no reason for it to be doing what it did....and above a city! Im no air traffic controller but planes have air space and this thing was well in side what would be called a near miss.

    Logic dictates that its not man made by how it performed being so small, and how high it was.
    Logic dictates that if it were man made that purely down to all the laws and regulations with flying above built up areas that if it were planed to fly some tiny craft next to a passenger plane (with or without people in, save pilot etc) it would be done somewhere in a safe and controlled manner.
    The plane would have been in its descent back to the airport by the direction and altitude but they are still going fast yet this object the size of its engines not only kept up with but easily went faster and could move about it like a mouse running in and out between the legs of a great dane dog. Logically there is no reason for the plane to go straight up into the air for some distance and then back down in a similar arch and continue back on its path... So logically it was not planed, would not be allowed to take place where it happened and the craft is not man made.

    Im not saying aliens....UFO, now remember funky, thats Unidentified Flying Object. And no, it wasnt a weather balloon. Perhaps you should read my account of it again, read it a bit slower, take in the words, you`l see that its not a weather balloon cos I didnt say it floated about into the path of a plane, got caught in some disturbed air off the wings, blew about a bit behind the plain and then floated up into the sky while the plane flew off. Cos if that happened and I felt the need to tell you Id of just of wrote it. But I think I was rather clear in my writing that it was able to propel its self as it chose to.

    I dont really care what it was, it was cool to see and if I never see anything like it, and probably wont, i wouldnt loose sleep. Just as if someone came a long and said, oh that was me in whatever, doing something for some reason. If that person was you then please lets hear about it. If not, and you werent there to see you have nothing credible to say to explain it away. If it were a video I embedded on here and you were some expert, and you could explain it with credible science of further examples of similar incidents and a reason why, then Id listen and that would be the end of UFO, it was the funkyrimpler phenomena.

    Not all things in life have or need an explanation, but dont insult me with a balloon or refracted light especially when you werent there to see it.
    #91 Goody, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
  12. Goody. Twenty minutes is a very long time to watch any passenger plane, particularly one so low that you could clearly see its engines.
  13. I was once in a turboprop commuter plane at about 20,000ft over SW England when I looked out of the window over my shoulder and there was a Tornado tucked well inside the wing close enough to clearly see the detail of the crews kit. They followed in that position for a few minutes, rolled over inverted and dropped away like a stone.

    Not sure what it looked like from the ground but it probably looked very unusual.
  14. Wait. RAF Tornadoes are from outer space? Did anyone know this?
  15. Hi Goody..calm down mate!...if you read my post, you'll see that i never quoted you as saying that you'd witnessed a weather balloon or satellites, i merely offered them up as common unexplained sightings..they are, after all, unexplained flying objects, and are the most common misunderstood sightings.
  16. Heres a list of the common sightings, lifted from t'internet..

    Many people are surprised to learn that virtually 90% of all UFO reports can be and have been explained. The major argument seems to be over whether the remaining 10% is "noise" or "signal". Herewith, a list of things which have been the primary cause of UFO reports in the past. It's a list that any investigator should be aware of when studying a particular report. It was compiled by Donald Menzel, a noted debunker of the 50s and 60s, who characterized this list as "minimal and highly abbreviated". (From "UFOs: A Scientific Debate", Sagan and Page, eds. consisting of papers presented at a symposium sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Boston on Dec. 26-27, 1969, ISBN 0-393-00739-1)
    A. MATERIAL OBJECTS 1. Upper Atmosphere meteors
    satellite reentry
    rocket firings
    ionosphere experiments
    sky-hook balloons (discontinued) 2. Lower Atmosphere planes
    reflection of sun
    running lights
    landing lights
    weather balloons
    sewage disposal
    soap bubbles
    military test craft
    military experiments
    magnesium flares
    birds migrating
    luminous 3. Very Low Atmosphere paper and other debris
    spider webs
    (electrical discharge)
    milkweed, etc.
    fireworks 4. On or Near Ground dust devils
    power lines
    elevated streetlights
    reflections from windows
    water tanks
    lightning rods
    TV antennas
    automobile headlights
    lakes and ponds
    beacon lights
    domed roofs
    radar antennas
    radio astronomy antennas
    insect swarms
    oil refineries
    cigarettes tossed away B. IMMATERIAL OBJECTS 1. Upper Atmosphere auroral phenomena
    noctilucent clouds 2. Lower Atmosphere reflections of searchlights
    plasma phenomena
    ball lightning
    St. Elmo's Fire
    reflections from fog and mist
    pilot's halo
    ghost of the Brocken
    inferior C. ASTRONOMICAL planets
    artificial satellites
    comets D. PHYSIOLOGICAL after images
    reflections from bright sources
    electric lights
    street lights
    (smoker lighting pipe)
    stars unsteady
    stars changing places
    falling leaf effect
    eye defects
    failure to wear glasses
    reflection from glasses
    entoptic phenomena
    retinal defects
    internal camera reflections H RADAR anomalous refraction
    ghost images
    multiple reflections I HOAXES
  17. light refraction has been offered as a credible hypothesis in explaining the sighting of, and subsequent incorrect location of the Titanic iceberg. when it was witnessed, its location didnt appear to be in the direct path of the ship, by the time they got close enough they learnt differently. although not a classic mirage, the curvature of the earth also plays an important role is the misidentification and incorrect location of objects.

    mirages are explained here:

    What causes a mirage?: Scientific American

    View attachment 12212
    #99 funkyrimpler, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
  18. i dont dispute that you something that you cant explain at the time...the fact that the object appeared to be following a metallic object would also point to a mirage being a possible explanation, and give the false appearance of an object following the aircraft, as caused by the hot air currents, jet exhaust and the light bends as a result..the human brain interprets the light as travelling in a straight line..often, on a day sunny, the road may appear wet, but this is the sky reflecting back through the warm air...this makes more sense to the human brain, than photon curving upwards and travelling faster through hot air..but as the light travelling to the eye is at a tangent to the actual object, it creates a false image..notice how on the above pic there even appears to be a building or structure to the left of the picture? In actual fact it is open ocean...

    View attachment 12213

    the dry road, appears to be wet, due to the mirage effect..but it looks real.
    #100 funkyrimpler, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
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