Which is quite high really. It's not a question of whether the new V4 engine isn't great, but similar to that of Apple, when you keep pushing up prices and citing quality as being a factor it's a bit piss poor to find sub par components being used when you're supposed to be buying in to the best. Oh well, at least they've used a lacquer on the paint, that's progress
I’d have said any more than 5% was too high. 23% is unacceptable with today’s allegedly modern engineering and manufacturing technology.
Yes, most certainly, which makes you wonder exactly why components of such sub par quality make their way to a motorcycle being sold at £20k plus
Just for a bit of balance and before we all whine ourselves to death.... I actually bought and own a V4S (unlike many detractors chipping in here). I can honestly say that all the recalls haven't bothered me one jot. Why? Because they're all about little fuck all things. Yeah, if they'd been throwing rods right, left and centre, I'd be somewhat concerned. Remember, like a couple of the early Panigales. And remember the RSV4 launch? Engine bits and oil all over the place. In front of the world press no less! It's a peach of a bike with an incredible engine. If you're worried about a sticky clutch lever or a tricky side stand, buy something else. There's loads to choose from. But they wont be as fast
And that's fair enough, you bought one and you're happy with it. Shit if you bought me one I'd be over the moon with it too
I think that you have to consider that especially with the V4, Ducati are continually pushing the envelope of what’s actually possible for a road going superbike with 15,000 mile valve clearance service intervals. At all the meetings I attend, there is the constant mention of striving to achieve class leading lightness versus power and keeping it reliable. It’s a tricky trio to keep in line. Even more so when you consider how small Ducati are. I accept that sometimes as part of that struggle, at the edge of possibility, there can be issues to resolve. And let’s not forget, the suppliers of the early exhaust header could have buggered up and sent sub standard parts that are not within tolerance. As I said earlier, I’ve not seen one failure yet so I think it’s more precaution than serious problem. Frustrating for all owners, I fully accept. Mart
https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/broken-exhaust.66838/ Is it a huge surprise if that’s the quality of the end can?
Apart from the extra grip of slicks (not that I can use it all, but it is nice knowing its there) I have found the wear rate on slicks is much lower than road tyres. Trashed to illegality a new pair of road supercorsas in a day at Anglesey. Did 2 Whitham days back to back there on slicks and reckon I still have at least another 2 days left in them.
Is this on top of the tensioners and oil cooler?, I’ve got it booked in for the middle of March for its annual service and those recalls to be done, was hoping to drop off in the morning and collect the same day-plus get a demo on the new RSV4 while I wait to fill some of the time!.
The header pipe recall is after the oil related ones. Don't think there is much of my original bike left now! I traded a 2015 RSV4 rf for the V4S. Not the best decision I have ever made. If the new one is just a little better than mine was its miles better than the Duc unfortunately.
If it makes you feel any better I sometimes miss my earlier RSV4 Factory APRC still, not had the pleasure of riding an RF yet!.
maybe the development cost of the V4 engine to bring it down to road spec was just to great they had to compromise, else maybe we wouldnt actually of had the v4 under £35k for the base model... A new bike/engine must cost them a fortune to develop etc so no real supprises
Would value your opinion after riding the new one. I might have to let heart rule head and throw some good money after bad. For mere mortals the rf was so predictable as you got near the limit on track whereas the V4S is not...I am sure professional riders can hustle a V4S round a track a bit quicker than the rf (a certain M Rutter was about 0.5sec faster round Donnie on the v4s than the rf last year) but track day riders don't have his skill and bravery level. On the rf I was about 5 seconds a lap off Rutters time, on the V4s I am 2 secs slower than I was on the rf and at that pace disaster is riding shotgun!
Anyone had their headers done yet? Mine have been done today but it's now thrown a load of errors up, related?