Maybe we could start by allowing us to change our own information, rides, etc - it seems this was restricted a while back...
I guess that depends on the membership conditions? Most forums I frequent about a year or so ago changed their rules to comply with goverment mandated rules. Broadly speaking if a forums rules are upto date (AFAIK) a member could have their posts deleted, but the forum retains a lot of control due to it being public domain and agreed in the Ts & Cs. I think its more likely that an angry member would delete their threads, than Rob El T & Ducbird would refuse to delete them if there was a good reason following a request. How many stupid things have we all done in a fit of temper?
Closed a life long bank account with the considering a new one as it offers the cheapest break down and travel insurance. ....doh
Been a lot of (or seems so) recently. Aircon has asked for two in teh last few days, cream revenge asked for a couple in recent times, plus seen others too. Just a thought. Close this thread if not of use.
Sometimes the threads run their course and saves it getting to 10 pages or the OP has the information they want
Check around a bit, some banks are offering £150 to join them. Some people have changed banks three times in three months, made a few quid, then settled with an account that has great travel & breakdown...
The OP has raised a reasonable question here, which has been debated by a few contributors, each with some really great points. In theory, I would have no problem with an OP deleting their own thread before any other poster has replied to it but once replies are posted, the thread is no longer solely the OP's and a Mod needs to be the one to make the decision. Just my opinion. Others obviously have their opinions too.
Just to reiterate it once more!.............NOTHING HAS EVER BEEN RESTRICTED, the software changed ages ago and certain things changed with it.
Wish I was today. I’m spending time making/receiving calls to/from solicitors about exchange and completion dates and whether that means having to move house early and go into a B&B for a couple of weeks. Swmbo is frantic with worry and I’m trying to calm her down from 1000 miles away!