47 and I'm going to "flip out" tomorrow with the kids..... A&e is on standby.... Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
You know somebody famous but you know their parents and even grandparents better. Kite surfer 'jumps' 200m over sand spit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-47029891 His Mum, Steph, is the lady who was trying desperately to get Guy Martin foiling in the Exe Estuary during his failed attempt to break the human powered water speed record
When you have tradesman coming round who will be here all day and you have to plan number 2 breaks before and after they have left and hope they go home for lunch
Just before christmas my left knee starting clicking,life can be very disappointing and frustrating at times,devastated
You know you're getting old when you don't know which, ( you know you're getting old) thread you're posting on.