British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Not the whole of the EU, no.

    Just their President of France.

    I believe so. Get back to you on that?

    In the meantime, are you saying that because citizens have been mistreated in the past, I have no right to flag up Macron's mistreatment of French citizens protesting about Macron's globalist agenda?

    Cos that would be weird.

    All of them, please. I can wait.

    You're trying to trap me here, aren't you?

    Oh dear.

    Best get that looked at.

    Lots and lots of deals in sight. WTO. And after that, many bespoke deals with many different countries and "trading blocs". Including the EU Superstate trading bloc!

    Our politicians are a shambles, no one can deny that. Smart people are asking, "But why are they a shambles?".


    No, but seriously, we will have a government that we can have ready access to, if we feel strongly enough to want to do so.
    We will not be tied to a protectionist superstate whose every decision is made to protect The Project instead of looking after all its citizens.
    We will be able to make decisions for our country that cannot be over-ruled by a foreign power.
    We will (continue to) be able to make decisions on who is allowed into, and stay in, the UK in accordance with UK laws, not a foreign power's instructions.
    We will have access to a far wider global market for trading purposes than we currently enjoy.

    I am not saying all of these advantages will happen. I am just saying that they can happen, and will happen if we want them enough. In the EU, all of these facilities will eventually become impossible as EU tightens its stranglehold on the sovereignty that properly belongs to nation states.

    Best of all - blue passport. Who doesn't love a blue passport?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. you have confirmed your suport for Scotish independence before. i suspect its for the same reasons you suport brexit. mostly theoretical.
    where we differ is our faith in the uk gov to adapt and deliver for the whole of the uk.
  3. It's not that fin, you know I like some snp mp's but blackford lost his shit last night and as leader of the snp in westminster, lets just say an old hand such as Angus Robertson would never have disgraced himself in such a child hissy fit tantrum way
  4. I believe that you misinterpreted my intent regarding Blackford, or maybe not : o )

    I don't want the Scottish to leave the UK (just Blackford) but if the majority of them want to, that's what they should do.

    Back on topic, I have little faith in the UK government and even less faith in the EU government.
    Thus my support for Brexit is multi-fold - I prefer smaller government to larger, I prefer less inept/malfeasant leaders to more inept/malfeasant leaders, I prefer to be able to actually vote for my leaders and, most importantly, I insist upon my feet staying dry when I decide to march upon the seat of power to contest with my leaders.

    We don't differ to any extent in our "faith" in UK government, we simply differ on the matter of faith in Brussels - I have no faith at all, whereas you are completely insane.
  5. The idiot stole time from someone who may have made a rational input.

    Time we won't get back. He's a thief of time. There will soon be a film called, "Ian Blackford and The Stolen Time". Mark my words.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. with the unfolding disaster for us up here of brexit, along with that ^, i'm reminded of a sceen from Outlander where the accused are sensing a degree of leiniancy from the judges, but whome are eventually swayed by the braying crowed of bre... sorry, 18th centuary morons calling for blood.
    surely yer time would be better spent calling for your precious Brittish democracy to find the missing files? no?
    #23426 finm, Jan 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. If people were honest, no political party or politicians are 100% of the time but by removing a layer (eu) our own must now look within to find out if they are capable without the "it's the eu's fault" buffer

    As to positivity, imagine going into the world market and saying, we import 53% of our products from the eu which is £341 billion a year. The eu doesn't want to play ball so we find ourselves asking, does anyone want the business the eu no longer wants and business free of eu restrictions?

    I don't forsee a shortage of applicants
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Missing files fin?, this aint the X files and you're more moldy than mulder
  9. how long do you think it would take for me to find the quote where you are quite clearly saying the opposit?
    tho it would involve me dipping my toe in to a thread i cant really be arsed with.
    i suspect that ^ is just more of yer trolling.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Ah, so you’re guessing that Brussels will look after you better, I see :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Personal I think it has everything to do with the EU, yes the last straw was fuel price increases, but it has gone far beyond that now in France, due to the EU's policies, trade, immigration, the project, they are alienating vast swathes of working class Europe, they have completely shafted Grease, Germany and the rest of Europe are on the brink of recession. The EU 27 might say they are united but there citizens are far from united behind the so called project.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  12. When have I ever expressed support for Ian Blackford?

    Have at it, GreaseMonkey!
  13. Much of the unrest in France is Macron trying to change a largely socilaist country and system into one that fits the borg collective for the benefit of many multinationals. The frenchies are revolting, as they are most of the time :D but even they have sussed what the eu actually is and Macron is just the latest puppet. It's funny how so many have forgotten he used to work for Rotchschilds and was in Hollande's kicked out government

    Watch Le Penn in the May eu elections and most of the right wing parties
  14. Am I sensing a bit of movement already, Guy Verhofstadt said this morning( I don't think there is any room for movement regarding the backstop) has he just opened the door just a little bit?
  15. When Brexiteers get their heads around the fact that frictionless trade/border = freedom of movement, then we might get somewhere with a deal. It doesnt have to mean losing jobs to Polish workers etc. Its called a workable compromise, and so far the UK parliament has talked utter shite about being able to compromise. Complete inflexibility so far.
    Right wing press and views about the 'EU' continue to be that 'they' are inflexible when in fact our lot have agreed a deal. Job done. Except its not because we cant agree amongst ourselves...and do not know what we want. How do you negotiate with that? Its no real wonder the sound bites coming from Europe are 'non' they probably think we will start asking for more unicorns.

    Bored of it all now, our lot need to make some decisions and stop pissing about.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. I have noticed more and more, when pushed they always say it's there policy, which leaves it open for anything really.
  17. I know it's the express and I rarely post from them but it has a people video saying it :D

    The basis of the mep's thrust was, the eu will not negotiate on the backstop and see it as two choices. Negotiate on the backstop or go to wto and take a massive hit, his opinion is that the eu will got wto and take the massive hit rather than backdown on the backstop further negotiation.

    Funny thing is, if everyone goes wto/free trade then the irish issue remains. If that does happen, that I feel it does highlight what many have been saying, the eu project is the all important and Ireland was used as a pawn to stop brexit, once the British woke up and realised this, the eu's last card has been played and failed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. But surely the Deal hasn't been agreed until parliament agrees it. Up to now it's only been agreed with the PM and civil servants. I might be getting the wrong end of the stick but in my mind the deal is agreed when it is passed in parliament.
  19. Part true.
    The problem maybe though is that our lot have never held discussions within Parliament on what Brexit will look like. We have never agreed what we want, this should have been a starting point with cross party talks. So we have spent 2 years negotiating something Parliament will not back. Who looks silly now. UK or EU ?
    To revert to type (some) will just say 'we knew what we were voting for...'. Just a hollow statement really as there were so many visions of Leave bandied about that it really was in the eye of the beholder. Even now talks about WTO are over simplified with the proponents of WTO going a bit quiet on the mechanics of how well things will work and how easy it will all be at the stroke of midnight 29th March...if we leave no deal.
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