what do the institutions/structures do? ps I know I said I was going to be positive, but this one is just too good to miss out on
Well they institute for those who should be in institutions, I'm sure your fully aware of institutions
They do free trade on vehicles that used to be made in the UK but are now manufactured in Turkey - and we buy many more German cars than they do ours - grow up ffs!
I have to say that is the most pathetic attempt at scaremongering that I’ve come across. 1/2 a second of logical thinking (as has been posted above) demonstrates the stupidity of the claim. Why do these idiots in the press think we’ll swallow that kind of crap. The Guardian used to claim to balance out points of view. On Brexit they’re just pedalling a total load of one sided bollocks and guess what, it’s not going to work.
Don't listen to them exi, they think democracy is only when they win, one local and one national and they still refuse to accept either
can you imagine what it would be like with 99% of em on here being Australian of the everclear ilk? even tho he has no influence on yer life. ferk me, that would be worth a watch.
Finally you've admitted it. The eu will force the republic of Ireland to break the good friday agreement by installing a hard border on the republics side. It took some time to get there but we got there in the end We covered this recently through the Gull agreement which started in 2014, you know this
But wasn't the NI border always going to be a problem irrespective of the GFA? Before we joined the EU or ECC is it was then we had no land border with the ECC, ROI joined at the same time. So prior to calling the referendum this should have been worked out - they didn't because they didn't expect the result to be leave. There was then a chance to work it out prior to invoking A50, they didn't because every brexiter was screaming invoke it now, we'll sort it as we go. 2 years have passed and the timer is about run out. The only workable solution is a backstop, which appears to be unpalatable to both leavers and remainers. We've heard plans of using technology that doesn't exist to avoid a hard border. But no one from the brexit camp has come up with a solution that will work. Whilst I'm a remainer I don't hold any truck with the scare stories on leaving without a deal. There will be a bit of chaos at the ports but trade will continue, not entirely uninterupted mind - there will always be enough spam and baked beans on supermarket shelves to go round, so not quite the end of the world. But the idea that UK has taken this decision and doesn't have an effing scooby how it will deal with a land border is frightening. We'll just leave it open and pretend it's not there seems to be the current plan.