British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Can't see the link at work but as OR has disagreed with it: I was confident enough to give it an agree o_O
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  2. Question for all you two faced snp independence hypocrite's, you know I luv ya :D

    In 2014 in the Scottish independence vote, it was suggested the snp wanted independence and enough Speople saw the structure of the figures didn't add up and the vote was no. You tried your luck again saying you were lied too and so made the general election 2017 about a few things but mostly about another indi vote and lost a third of your mp's in westminster as the scottish peple had had enough of this sillyness of the snp

    Now, if the snp continues to demand another vote within a generation (i think it was about 6 months after they started, short lifes in Scotland:D) lets look at indi 2 based on what we have seen with brexit

    The eu are demanding, on their side at least (in this case the republic of ireland) a hard border and the U.K. is saying no.

    If indi 2 went yes, Scotland to leave, and within that vote that you wanted to rejoin the eu after the U.K. had left the eu. You now know, the eu will insist on a hard border between Scotland and the rest of the U.K.

    Will you snp-ites say as you are saying now, that we need to take another country into consideration when voting to leave even to the point of not leaving

    ORRRRR will you say, fuck the U.K. if indi means a hard border then crack on, the vote was for us and us only?

    I think you can see where I'm going?
  3. No, we get the vote, and the result. No overlooking involved. That does not change facts about application of Brexit. It just is not as simple as Leave would have us believe. One way or another the Border issue will continue to exist, unless we go hard border. That is the only way to apply 'what people voted for'. (?)
    Be honest. Leave did not expect to win, Cameron and Remain did not expect to loose. Nobody really thought through how Brexit could be applied, other than 'stuff you Mr EU.'
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  5. I'll let Julia explain. :)

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  6. Agreed, but it didn't specify a time scale. Invoking A50 without a plan was madness.

    It doesn't bode well for the future if our Government can't foresee the effects of withdrawing from a (known) current deal. What madness will ensue when they sign up new deals? I don't think the 'taking back control' slogan is working too well.
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  7. Pre referendum, Cameron said many times that he would invoke Article 50 the very next day after the result if "Leave" won.

    As well as project fear and saying we would operate under WTO rules by the way.

  8. Instead he resigned, it wasn't a promise it was part of his project fear.
  9. I don't think you will get many disagreeing with you on that. Those of us who wanted wto/free trade wanted this announced at the same time as article 50 because we knew the eu would play silly buggers with us when no rules were there. Wto rules would have meant much of the following 2 years would have been negotiated as both sides would have known the rules which they were constrained within.

    That however will be a question never asked as to why they didn't do that and will we ever know if it was a deliberate mistake to scupper brexit or a genuine lack of foresight not expecting the venom of the eu for leaving the club as one of the premier countries.

    Neither however is a reason to say, aw it's a right old pickle, lets not bother

    I think we are taking back control, if it goes through then yes people, not big business, not multinationals and not in the bubble eu commissioners, will decide our future.

    Like it or not Brexit is our own yellow vest. Unhappy with the status quo, we used democracy to change it, not riots in the streets but the peoples voice through a democratic process and that, is unique within europe and why no other eu nation dare risk allowing the people to speak
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  10. The timescale was one day - in Cameron's Last Project Fear speech - he said he would invoke article 50 the very next day. If he had done we would be ok now :rolleyes:
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  11. Maybe...

    The big problem remains, they did not have a clue how to make it work as they never expected the result.
  12. True Cameron was afraid to plan for brexit in case it leaked and encouraged the vote towards brexit, Camerons gone though and we are where we are
  13. Not maybe - and still people voted leave, having been told it would be a disaster by the PM only the day before (because they weren't thick like he thought and many have implied) :)
    no such thing as crashing out at the time, no such thing as a hard Brexit - all invented by sore undemocratic loosers :weary_face:
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  14. I think the sky reporter outside Nissans plant will be sacked soon. He's not following the we are doomed narrative.

    Rob might clarify?

    The reporter was saying those in Sunderland are pretty relaxed about a no deal and not running around like headless chickens as the reporters and politicians are.

    He explained that sunderland used to have a low production model on the infinity range (nissans luxury model) but as sales suffered, production dropped over the years from 150 a shift to 8?

    Nissan in 2016 saw a gap to build the Pathfinder x (not a great selling model) that was and remains, being built in Japan and this was after the the brexit vote.

    It's a larger vehicle and like many larger 4x4's, they mostly could only be run as a diesel and we know since the german lying emissions scandal, diesels have tanked not only in the U.K. but throughout europe and worldwide.

    Nissan have made it clear in their letter that the pathfinder decision is a purely business decision based on the fall in diesels and not brexit.
  15. And Vince Cable was saying on the news it's such a major issue the whole of Brexit needs a re think - what an absolute cock end that man is.
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  17. and they also said; “continued uncertainty around the UK’s future relationship with the EU is not helping companies like ours to plan for the future,”
  18. And they also said, the two are not connected.

    Pathfinder has been kept in japan because the euro emissions have once again gone up to a higher level. Most van/car drivers will know this

    But yes, like most in business, they will adapt as long as they know what they have to adapt to
    #23898 noobie, Feb 4, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
  19. Some voted Leave as a protest vote - which I understand without having to resort to name calling.

    But 'crashing out' and 'hard Brexit' are terms invented by the media, problem is they mean different things in various newspapers.

    Leavers have over-simplified the implications of leaving the EU and Remainers have over-complicated it. The reality I suspect is somewhere in between, I guess we will find out shortly but the full impact will take 5 years to play out. I also think there will be quite a bit of buyers remorse by then. I'm looking forward to the third referendum, I hope 'hard join' will be on the ballot paper - full Shengen, Euro, ever closer union ... ;)
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  20. Now's the time to put up a picture of my Cat, but it's on my other computer :(
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