Non herbal one a nights. as soon as you feel a bit dozy go to bed. I can over ride them you see if I don't go to bed as soon as they start to work. The herbal ones are valarium and they don't agree with some people. no. Herbal ate basically an allergy relief drug .
It's back with vengeance along with nightmares , sweats and the odd outburst. I am asleep shouting or talking for a while. I was asleep but something loud like a row woke me. The noise was me shouting Not great . Brain just won't switch off. I'm not a shouter I'm really quiet and actually shy .. So being angry in my sleep .
Sorry to hear that HC. There must be a reason why you cant seem to shut down :frown: I hope you find a solution
Alcohol never works for me I wake after two hours of sleep and awake for ages Try a good reflexology or massage once every couple weeks I don't think your situation helps as you can't turn off.
I hate massages I was brought one as a treat once ... I winced and couldn't bare it.. Reflexology the same I am pretty foot phobic ... I hate my feet being touched or touching other people's . ( I'm strange) . It's my brain it actually buzzes all the time.. Then I get all that whooshing through it my head is a loud place!!! I think of about 50 things at once.
I struggled with sleep at one stage when looking for work, tried all osrts and the only thing which made a difference was exercise. It didn't need to be loads, a 1/2 hour run in the evening was enough. I've never slept so well.
Insomnia has been the bane of my life for the last 18 months with several longish spells over the years.. My Doc says 'good sleep hygeine'...dont not have any naps throughout the day, go to bed at the same time every night and even if u just lay there, stay in bed..if u have to get up in the night, dont turn the big lights on, try to eat at regular times, do some exercise, knock caffeine on the head etc...some nights it works, but then i go for days or even weeks when it doesnt...just look at some of the times i post my nonsense here!
Sorry to hear you are going through the mill right now.Hope sleep comes to you soon and gives you some respite.
I'm pretty good with a foot massage I'm sure I could work some magic I'm thinking of training in this field
Good morning .... And here I am again ... I've tried watching boring stuff on TV everything this is beyond the joke now