Getting the fuglystrada mot'd tomorrow, then it's going up for sale to pay for a nice holiday. But something's been bugging me. A mate of my brother sold his R1 to when he was desperate for money, and although he wouldn't tell me what he got for it he said he was pleasantly surprised by the offer. So I thought what the hell, and put the details of both my bikes up for appraisal, and I'll find out tomorrow what they offer for them. Whadya reckon? I've got a very good idea of what the Guzzi's worth, but the price for an early Multistrada varies wildly. Put your best guess here, the closest guesser gets a big sloppy kiss from fig...
Sorry, forgot to mention the bikes: Guzzi Griso 1100, 2006, 25000 miles, immaculate. Ducati Fuglystrada 1000DS, 2003, 25000 miles, very clean, full service history.
would not let the multi go for less than 3 mines the exact same few less miles but v clean so i guess they will offer 2 and a half
I tried these when I was looking at selling the R1, most places had them advertised private for 4k-4.5k and they offered 2350 so told them to poke it !
If they get within £500 of the value of either bike I could be sorely tempted. Should find out tomorrow morning.
A friend of my brother in law used to work for them. He had to knock £500- 1000 off the quoted price of any vehicle brought in or he couldn't buy it. when we sold the wife's Astra they offered £1200. I sold it for £2300 privately on evilbay.
I think it was these guys I popped my 848evo onto last year, wondered what kinda mark down they make....3months old, £6700 Thinking £1500 tops too.
I have been informed that if you accept the offer when they arrive they will then try many tricks to reduce the value further. 1500 for me, in reality they will give you a grand !
I do. I mean I did. I mean... For the last decade or so I've been buying sound but tatty bikes, doing them up, and selling for a profit. From a thousand pound loan ten years ago I've ended up with maybe £6500-worth of bikes, so the bikes I've got now owe me nothing. I got the Guzzi for £3000 (swapped it for a Triumph), so if someone were to offer me the 4 grand it's worth, I'd snap it up, even though I'm not planning on selling it. But it transpires that I like tinkering with bikes almost as much as I do riding them, and there's nothing to tinker with on the Guzzi, it's perfect. And quite frankly I could do with the cash at the moment. I could pocket most of the money and buy a tatty old jap bike to tinker with, maybe a scruffy Monster.
Bradders gets the big sloppy kiss - offer on the Duc: £1200, offer on the Guzzi: £2000! The phone has rung six times since I told them to fuck off...
As an experiment it was quite boring really, I kinda knew the outcome before I started. But I was hoping they might surprise me. They didn't.