British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. German lead armies in the past have probably not faded enough to allow it, they have a terrible record at stopping at their own border.

    You say living in the past, many would say...... facts. You should look beyond the last two wars and go back as far as 55bc when they drove the celts out of the danube to reclaim their lands. Germany is only beaten in trying to conquer europe by France

    Most countries have history but germany has always had a thing about conquering europe either by force or politicial might
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  2. Why am I living in the past ? Serious question. Any governments first duty is to protect its citizens. If the UK Parliament is sovereign and we are just members of the EU Army, it is complicated.

    For example, there is a dispute on the Spain / Gibraltar border. Who do I defend ?
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  4. Rees-Smaug raised an objection to this video.

    He said at the end, it should be "All Right", not "Alright".

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  5. I know it's the express so an element of caution should be applied but what concerened me was the amount of high level eu officials alledged to have said the same thing.

    The jist is, if the U.K. or the republic will not apply a hard border then the eu will, in france/holland so isolating the republic, which will still effect the republic, anyway. I'll go hunting to see if there is any other versions of this
    #23986 noobie, Feb 5, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  6. which will still effect the republic, anyway. I'll go hunting to see if there is any other versions of this.
    :D teehee. ferk me, yer near bursting with excitement aint yah?
    anyways, why not just go straight to her maj, she will get you telt.
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  8. Despite, what you may think, I am have reservations about the EU. I think as far as political union goes, it has gone far enough. We don’t need anymore. It’s fine as it is. Anymore, and I would be on the leave side too.

    But, and their are a few big buts here.

    We can’t have have what the Leave campaign promised. Not just because of northern Ireland but also because a key part of the Leave campaign was that we would get a free trade agreement.

    “Easiest trade deal in history”

    That does not stack up for one simple reason. One of the other pillars of the Leave campaign

    Take back control

    In relation to our own laws.

    Every trade deal done in history has seen convergence of standards not divergence. And divergence is what we will be doing.

    I read statements by the people on the Leave side saying

    “That’s ok, we will keep the same standards as the EU”.

    Really? Not just today’s standards but future standards? If so, what’s the point of leaving?

    Its the same when it comes to borders.

    Take back control

    Except we will leave the Irish, and in fact all borders open to goods coming in, which is how the illegals come in. So we find ourselves in the position of making it. Easier for illegals than educated and skilled Polish people, that speak English and have something to contribute

    I think we all have a breaking point when in comes to sovereignty, whether that be British or in my case also Scottish. As much as I love England and the people, the breaking point has been passed and Scotland should go Independent but for Europe, I am not their yet and the arguments for are not strong enough.

    There are good arguments for Brexit, but people are diluting them with total pish.

    Quick note on the Irish situation: for Republicans, they signed up to the GFA, to have have a birder situation as is and to have an Assembly. The unionists have got what they always wanted, no assembly and a border looming. There will be trouble unless this is resolved.
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  9. How about a couple of weeks ago when the BBC was reporting on employment figures?

    Employment at record levels was the message, with out mentioning that those claiming unemployment benefit had actually gone up
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  10. Within this one paragraph ^ I can give you your answer

    The British people voted to leave the eu and to take the country forward for the people within the U.K. Whatever the eu does with it's minion countries is something we chose to leave behind. We will maintain our comittment to the GFA and their will be no hard border on our side, the end.

    Now if the eu insist the eu Irish people and it's eu government are forced by the eu commission to have a hard border within the eu republic of Ireland against the gfa, that is upto the eu nation of the the republic of Ireland to take up with the eu commission. We will no longer be part of that organisation but the republic will and that is a dispute between itself and the eu and for them to sort out, not us, we would have left.

    Secondly, we will get free trade and wto agreements on what ever option we have but Mays current deal means the U.K.'s deal with the backstop, can be blocked with the backstop.

    Everything else is pure fluff around the fringes and can be worked out but once we have left, any mess within the eu, should get sorted out by those who are in the eu and some are forgetting that
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  11. you sure are naïve & take a dim-blinkered view of the world, if it were not for people like him we would be deep in the shite..
    PS..i take it you are Not British...:mad:

    #23995 ton-up, Feb 6, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2019
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  12. Never go full Verhofstadt.
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  13. You went full Verhofstadt. Everyone knows, you never go full Verhofstadt.
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  14. Imagine POTUS saying something like this, the usual bed-wetters would be going beserk.
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