I see it as the reality is sinking in, the house will never pass a backstop deal. Germany knows it will hit them the most and finally the private words within the eu between Germany and the eu commissioners are seeing the eu realise they will either loose through a deal they don't like or loose through wto/free trade He did that robbo within the last hour and on the plinth whilst varadkar was on the other plinth talking too
Bugger. Just when everyone in the UK is going to begin living in a 3rd world country from 29th March, we now have a "Special place in Hell" awaiting us when we finally die of starvation and pestilence. Bloody Brexit!
I think that should do it. galvonise the Brexiteers that is. He certainly knows how to make friends and influence people. TB
Varadkar has the look of a man that's seriously overplayed his hand and is beginning to fret. Never mind, his mates in the EU will stand by him whatever...............Oh hang on, did I say stand by him, I meant trample all over their little pawn when he ceases to be useful, to protect their federal dream. That being said, we still have Theresa the appeaser to mess things up with the finish line in sight.
There's more ... classic mic still on gotcha ... https://order-order.com/2019/02/06/tusk-varadkar-joke-hell-comment/ Leo looks very pleased with himself.
Great to see Brexiteers maintaining their taste for European blood (Tusks). However inflammatory his remark though, he is right about the lack of a plan. The lack of vision, messing about and lack of leadership has been/is criminal. Our lot are second rate p1ss artists.
To be fair, trying to negotiate with a side that can only reply "four pillars" for two and a half years is hardly " A willingness to negotiate". You would and with some clarity, be able to say that the U.K. has been more flexible than the eu has been.
Is it OK to mention here that I wish that TV Brexit discussion programmes would not keep featuring a Labour Party lunatic (eg Chi Onwurah) on the panel? There are important issues to discuss and this is no time to be listening to fringe elements as they make up shit and argue the unicorn perspective. They waste people's time, they merely steal attention away from worthy topics and worthy speakers.
Thing is JB there was a plan. Every MP who voted Art.50 through voted for a 'WTO' style (no deal) Brexit by default. Many are in denial about this but that's exactly what they did and that's what the Gov should have planned for from Day #1. That should have been the initial negotiating position - we'd love to do a deal with you but .... enter Mr Robbins & co and the great clusterf*ck commences. As for Mr Tusk, most undiplomatic language. He's not happy we are leaving his club, he's not happy he has a huge financing hole to fill and he's not happy that for a first time, a referendum result against the EU is not being re-run or ignored like all the others were. To coin a phrase "He should wind his neck in" and behave in a more sensible manner. Optics Donald, optics.
Hi opening words are illuminating. "There is no effective leadership for Remain" So the game all along has to ignore the will of the British people and have the "Remain" leadership of the UK gov't over ride the result of the Referendum. Their total intransigence during "negotiations" makes a lot of sense now. The fact he looks so pissed off fills my heart with joy that we are doing the right thing. Even more so that he thinks 17m UK voters are going to Hell. Cheers Don.
I remember lots of plans tbh. But it doesnt take 2 plus years to get nowhere, if there is a plan that is tangible and not just imagined.