Ok seeing as nobody believes in Aliens what about Ghosts?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Seeing as people have all pretty much said no little green men .
    What are your thoughts on Ghosts?
    Do you believe , have you heard seen?
    Or is it like a fragment caught in time that keeps replaying like its in a strange loop ( why people see them in the same place doing the same thing).
    Just curious ..
  2. Not seen anything I could say was one although have on occasions watched a minute or two of Ghost Hunters or similar on TV and what they show is pretty suspect. However, you do hear some strange stories. Based on not seeing anything `ghosty` Id have to say no.

    I wonder how this thread could morph into something about life after death or walking down the bright tunnel in a near death experience?? It could get interesting!
  3. I don't usually believe in ghosts but I have a rather long story I will tell you whenever I see you that makes me think twice.
  4. No. People see what they want to see.
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  5. Dunno. I don't believe in life after death but the universe is an odd place and the human mind is very strange and powerful. Maybe ghosts are a projection of some sort.

    Pretty sure they're not in league with the Devil.
  6. I think maybe some parellel universe shite going on

    Someone's hidden my pencil again at work
  7. Seen them in my house, spoken to them (mistaking one for my daughter) and had them speak to me. How, what, why etc i know not but it happened. Live in a 250 year old house so lots of history there. There is 1 bedroom i will never sleep again in yet others have no problem

    I also did a charity ghost hunt at Newhaven fort a few years back and my sister in laws father gave a message for her via me and a third party on a ouigi (not sure of spelling) board. It gave a name of 2 people and a message which meant nothing whatsover to us. She was watching us do it and speaking to her after they were both her parents name and the message referred to her brother (still living). it meant nothing to me and the other guy at the time but the look on her face said it all. Her fathers name Is alistair and it was spelt in a Scottish (alisdare) way not as normal yet we had no idea who it was as it spelt it. Her mothers name was equally different but can't remember what it was.

    Didn't see any ghosts that night though. The medium said i was "open" to them and that's why i was aware, whatever that means ?

    I offer no explanations just that it happened and i am rational generally.
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  8. I believe in Derren Brown, does that count?
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  9. I believe I can Fly
  10. I believe I can Touch the Sky
  11. Wasn't that Orville the bird ?
  12. Here's a photo of a Ghost:


  13. Not impressed Pete. That's the Matchbox model and not the real deal
  14. They were just the lodgers.....

    ...where the medium is rare and the steaks are high......
  15. And my point was ... ghosts are not real.

  16. That would be possible had there been lodgers and were one of them about 13 and dressed like the railway children.
    Stranger things have happened with lodgers i'm sure.

    Like alien sightings etc these things are only real to the people who experience them. Until i did i would put it down to materially recorded events or imagination etc.

    In my case i have no imagination as you would vouch for if you saw my wardrobe.
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  17. I do like a good ghost story.

    Thanks Spoonz!

    As I say, I have a very open mind about most of these things, as rationality takes you only so far. There is plenty about quantum mechanics which isn't rational, but which appears to be true (true enough that you can build and implement stuff on the implications it throws up).

    If you think about it, you can only be rational building on a base of what you know. As nothing is really known (who was it who maintained that?) but is all likely conjecture until a better theory comes along, it is hard to be categoric about certain things, be they aliens or ghosts. There is a rational likelihood, but that doesn't equate to certainty.

    Now, ghosts may not be living supernatural beings, but that isn't to say that ghostly phenomena don't exist, or that if they do exist, they can definitely be explained by what we think we already know.

    I am very much inclined to believe Spoonz' story.
  18. Ooooooooooooooo Ooooooooooooooo

    Personally I haven't any experience with the 'other world' but have an elderly relative who is absolutely convinced that there is such a thing. Also 2 friends who are both 'in touch' with spirits that haven't passed over.

    I have no religious affiliations or beliefs but find it odd that three people who I respect, trust etc, are absolutely convinced of 'spirits' - Go figure .....
  19. Odd to be sure, but then I bet there are plenty of churchmen I respect and trust. It's just that on the subject of God, they're wrong.
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