Me obsessed? Yes probably, as it is of massive importance to the future of the UK. But maybe look in a mirror, breath deeply and STAY CALM! I came through a similar experience on technical committees working on a new EN standard and the way the process went over many years made me really question the EU project. At one point the CE marking regime would have threatened many specialist UK manufacturers including the company I worked for at the time. Funnily enough, the working group was chaired by a German and the minutes were written how he wanted them, and to suit the German needs. The UK delegate said it could take a day of heated debate just to get the minutes of the last meeting agreed! The incredibly frustrating aspect was that after retesting all our products to the new EN standards (very costly) there were still many "unwritten barriers" to trading in other EU countries and yet the UK is so fair and open, the EU countries take a lot of work in our home market. Not the level playing field it should have been.Then just look at how they have handled diesel emissions and the environment. German car lobbyists drove the regulations. I agree with you that the concept of common standards is a good one but when you dig down into the details and find that individual countries have conflicting requirements it can turn into a square wheel that doesn't work or satisfy anyone, on some occasions. Our old British Standards were actually rather good by comparison.
Absolutely no doubting the quality of British Standards. As a country we are world leaders in codification, which is why much of the world adopted our standards. I have no doubt that my experience of EU/CE will not be shared by everyone but like everyone one else, I can only go by my own experience
Grenfell was a flammable material incorrectly applied. It required the architect to detail up the joints, window reveals etc and that was not done
Sadly not fella. I was managerial so only went to the UK technical meetings, which also covered U.K. only regulation. It was lead directors who were involved in CEN working groups. Incidentally, CEN were often implementing what came down from ISO, so there is no escape. It’s not a coincidence that the colours used on your car dashboard are the same for each symbol for every manufacturer. Meetings with my European colleagues would be to discuss bespoke solution for major U.K. projects or the requirements for the UK market for standard product. Work travel is over rated
Please name one developed country with an economy remotely approaching the size of the UKs that is trading under pure WTO rules
Fin, if and it's a big effin if given no credible polls show a majority appetite for a second indi vote, if one did happen and it went Scotland to leave the U.K., we both now that were you to then want to join the eu, that would not be the independence the vote was run on. Given how the snp have shouted what should have been on the brexit vote card, the snp government would have to put all 3 options down (1) Do wish to remain in an independent united Kingdom (2) Do you wish to leave the United Kingdom to become an independent Scotland (3) Do you wish to leave the United Kingdom to become an independent Scotland and then join the e.u. Now, unless the snp government did list all of those 3, then much of their complaint in westminster and the airwaves of the U.K. would have been nothing other than piffle
I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned many times that the no deal deal as remainers tend to call it, will be based on wto and free trade agreements.
The Daily Mash has always been my preferred source for the absolute truth ....
Quote from your post above:- whilst cosying up to various snake oil salesmen, dodgy Russians, neo nazis and shysters. This sounds like you are describing the EU leaders, tusk, barnier, juncker, mercel & all the rest of that shower of shite !!. So No Deal !!! arseholes We survived & prospered after 2 world wars, the crash of 2008, Brexit should be a breeze in comparison... I repeat No Deal is the only way to go this advice comes from me a very, savvy, successful businessman ! PS.. regarding your comment about me being a Yorkshire man, if you want to find a mug in Yorkshire you had better bring one in from outside, perhaps from the New Forest
Um, not quite right IMO as an ex-architect. The material had supposedly passed the tests for Surface Spread of Flame, as required by the UK Building Regulations. A designer can only work with the product documentation. An architect will usually design but not produce working drawings. That is left to the technical draftsmen some of whom are qualified, but many are juniors who are still learning. Unfortunately, since CAD came available, there are more errors than there were when drawings were done by hand - this is because a PC monitor does no favours when looking at drawings as the overall view is not easy to inspect, thus correct detailing can and will be a overlooked. I have only recently retired and I can safely say that I am appalled by the standard of construction drawings produced these days. If Grenfell occurred because of poor detailing, I would not be surprised, but the material complied with the Regulations.
Thanks for an informed point of view on a very sad subject. We live 7 miles downwind of Grenfell and we could smell the fire from home - utterly horrendous incident. Apologies for going ever so slightly 'off-topic' but when it comes to regulations relating to building control. is any relevant European legislation fully absorbed into UK regs, or is it absorbed and then 'gold-plated' ?
Gov Ralph Northam I believe is an expert on this subject. Abortion up until and including the 4th trimester, AFAICT.
The Mash is on top form this week ... mind you, there is no shortage of material to work with. I'm going to print this one out and give it to my neighbour.