I am confident us Optimists will achieve, whilst the pessimists will find something else to be doomed and gloomed about once brexit is completed. I'm predicting, well who knows, they just like to say all the time..
Whenever you are behind Spurs it is painful, even if they are homeless. You were good against Ethiad City the other week.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome Unlike swine flu, this outbreak is a real and present danger to the UK.
Got a chic who gives head I see the Independant have a headline about JLR losses today citing Brexit in big bold type Idiotic...
As it's Friday let's have an amusing story about Belgian royalty to lighten the mood a bit .... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...ans-faces-daily-fine-refusing-paternity-test/ Vive le republique !
I use this, https://www.writetothem.com/ it is very easy to use, I have contacted my MP twice now through this link and had a reply both times. Steve
The only fact there is that Monnet did not write it, or say anything like that. I believe Philip Jones first made up that sh*te in 2009, though if you have another source/ link predating that by another deluded liar I would genuinely be interested to see it.
You keep saying this, but I'm afraid you're not correct, so please stop repeating it because it doesn't make it true! This is the leaflet from the Vote Leave campaign. Feel free to call it photoshopped (again, just like you did the last time I posted a Vote Leave picture) but you can easily Google for it!