British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Not yours - other immigrants

    Not to the extent that is significant

    Not irrecoverablely

    Meanwhile, you got your

    Car washed
    Hair cut
    Builder work etc

    Much cheaper.

    Inflation was under control. Mortgage interest rates were at low levels for good reasons, not emergency economic policy

    THis is another good example of people undermining a good argument with a bad one.

    A good argument for wanting to control immigration is the effect that it is having on local community and how people feel about the rapid change in a short space of time. I know people who feel that way and I fully understand it. Can’t fault them in any way.
    #24421 749er, Feb 9, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2019
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  2. So it has reduced wages then? Thanks for confirming again. :upyeah:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  3. From the FT

    “There are various reasons for the exceptional case of the UK, not least a shift towards lower-paid jobs, low productivity levels and growth, a strong rise in employment and higher inflation”

    Why was the U.K. economy the only major economy to grow while wages fell?

    Germany took in 1 million Syrians
    The US is so over run, apparently, Trump wants a wall

    The 0.2% due to immigration is nothing in comparison to the real factors which influenced wage stagnation.

    It would be wise to be careful who you blame
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Instead of spending (wasting) hours posturing about the future (or past) of the UK and where it might go in respect of trade and legal matters; I am puzzled as to what T May is up to. She is seen to be doing something given all the meetings but getting nowhere, so is she deliberately wasting time and running the clock down?
    Has she done a John Major and said 'the bastards'. If they won't back my deal I will force a crash out with No Deal?
  5. I am glad you brought this is up

    Did you see the news the other night where she is laughing and joking with EU officials on the way out the room and then when she sees the camera, decided to look very stern?
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  6. i guess if we are gonna compete with the likes of china, India ect, wages are gonna rocket...
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  7. You have confirmed a reduction in wages due to immigration in 2 statements above.

    Who am I blaming? I have merely pointed out that you have confirmed the same point, twice now. :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. i expect its the uk and other gov's in the uk that are the biggest employers. they are the ones capping wages.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Yeah, you kinda just had your Kelly Osborne moment

    Agree, now stop doing that and we should be okay.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I have two theories

    If you watched the pirates of the caribean, the last one, the worlds end, there is an English (calm yourself fin) Lord Cutler Beckett who is controlling things for the east india trading company. He firmly believes he see's everything 20 paces before everyone else until the last few minutes when the tables turn and he is left in a state of shock then inaction. The reason for mentioning this is I wonder if she is so sure of herself that she believes her till the very last second will work and she will come on top with a far better deal than is being offered.

    The second option, I believe she felt at the beginning that she wanted to bring remainers on board but has learnt the extreme ones will not be happy till a majority democratic vote is trampled over so they can continue to belong to the european commissions borg collective. However, having dealt with the eu and seen the true face of the commission, I do wonder if she is in a fuck it kind of mood where she feels, as a do a lot of people, after a few years we will be back to usual, on top and so the eu must take the deal she now wants or fuck em. Wto & free trade on a nation our size and given it's economy will not be a worry.

    On this we have to remember the numbers we are told and for me, one set of numbers stands out a country mile. 195 countries in the world, currently only 28 are in the eu and the three most powerful countries are not in the eu either, we'll be okay, more than okay.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. And the one trying to be the fourth, is a totalitarian dictatorship that won't even ask it's people of the collective, if they even want to belong to it because they are too afraid of the result. See if you can guess who that is :D
  12. except they will be having elections shortly. who elected that ^ minimum wage paying banker?
  13. They are having elections on the bit they legally have too fin.

    let's look at the 28 and when they joined

    Austria 1995
    Belgium 1958
    Bulgaria 2007
    Croatia 2013
    Cyprus 2004
    Czech Republic 2004
    Denmark 1973
    Estonia 2004
    Finland 1995
    France 1958
    Germany 1958
    Greece 1981
    Hungary 2004
    Ireland 1973
    Italy 1958
    Latvia 2004
    Lithuania 2004
    Luxembourg 1958
    Malta 2004
    Netherlands 1958
    Poland 2004
    Portugal 1986
    Romania 2007
    Slovakia 2004
    Slovenia 2004
    Spain 1986
    Sweden 1995
    United Kingdom 1973

    Now, given the eu commssion is little more than a management company in a time where people change suppliers of services at the flick of a mouse and they are what they have ruled against in many other cases, a monopoly. Where is the democracy?

    Given some countries have not asked its people for over 60 years if they still want to belong in the eu, where is the level of democracy?

    Of 28 countries, which countries have allowed their people the democratic right to be asked if they still wish to belong to the eu? Where is the democracy?

    As much as people bemoan the U.K. We have had two independence votes in four and a half years, now that is democracy
  14. its not the EU that's stopping individual countries having referendums.
    anyhoo, you keep using that word democracy. you keep arguing that the result should be respected. shouldn't the promises that secured the vote be respected too?
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  15. : o D

    Just wait until finderman reads about General Elections!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. i'm sure you know all about the theory loz. bots are good at theory.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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